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Goodbye Jesus

Christianity shows its true face


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I hear ya...


But sometimes this kind of thing goes beyond churches.


I mean, if it gets to the point of destroying others' property, and gets violent, it's not about church or faith. It's about 911 and getting help for mom, or at least for yourself.

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Would you prosecute YOUR mother when she tries to protect you from poison?  You would go after your own mother just because she got between you and your sin.....


The usual worthless babble of a death cult zombie.


A small dragon statue, for example (like the one mentioned in the OP), doesn't hurt anyone. It's one of those things you buy because you think it looks nice, period.


On the other hand, stark raving mad "Have to destroy eeeeeeeeeeevil for gaaaaaaaawd" has killed countless millions of innocents.


As for your specific statements, fundie zombie:


The only "poison" in that household is the braindead fanaticism of that "mother" (HA! Whoever does that to his or her children forfeits all parental rights!). What's the matter anyway? Obviously, fundie mom thinks that her faith and her gawd are so ludicrously weak that the very first tiny obstacle will throw everyone off course immediately... just how much "faith" is there in the house?


And yes, if I harmed no one and merely did things that mean fun to me without hurting anyone else, I would "go after my own mother".


Hint for fundie zombies: "Parent" != "God"


If the worthless, vengeful, jealous christian "god" feels it can't live with anyone collecting some little figurines for fun, it's welcome to come down from Heaven Above™ and tell that to the perpetrator face-to-face.


But of course, we know it won't do that. As the Wholly Babble™ says in Judges 1:19, your "gawd" is helpless against some pitiful bronze-age chariots... guess how shitlessly scared it must be whenever it looks down upon our world and sees this?! (see image below)


I accept your shameful surrender anytime. :pureevil:

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The bible is poison and so we non-believers should protect our precious children from it's evil.


Absolutely. :pureevil:


If my children ever want to own a bible, well, they may do so... after I have confirmed that they realize it's not the only book out there containing religious claims et cetera. And after I pointed them to the many atrocities and other unspeakable abominations endorsed by that accursed book. :fdevil:

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She wants to purge the "evil" from her house but thats whats so fucked up!


As has been said before in this thread, she should start with burning all bibles in the house :pureevil:

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I hear ya...


But sometimes this kind of thing goes beyond churches.


I mean, if it gets to the point of destroying others' property, and gets violent, it's not about church or faith. It's about 911 and getting help for mom, or at least for yourself.

You got a point.


The ugliness I was talkin about was emotional heartache that comes from not playing make believe with your fundy parents or guardians. The arguing. The name calling. The emotional blackmail. It's ugly.

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The parent allowed the child to bring that stuff into the house in the first place. If the parent has now decided that they are all evil, the parent should tell the child to remove the items from the house. Then the child can decide if they want to give them to friends, sell them on ebay, or just move out. But Fundamentalism believes that the objects are 'entry points' for the devil and that any one else who gets them will become possessed so to protect all other persons they must be destroyed.


Get the police involved so that you can document the damages. Call the state child protective services so that the younger kids can be protected. How much longer before mom decides she needs to bash in their skulls, drown them in a bathtub or cut their arms off to purge the demons? :eek:

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Alex had some chains, some occult some not. When he asked what was wrong with them she said "they are entry points for demons". Well we'll see what keeps happening over here, I'll keep yall updated

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Alex had some chains, some occult some not. When he asked what was wrong with them she said "they are entry points for demons". Well we'll see what keeps happening over here, I'll keep yall updated

LOL if demons are so powerful why do they need trinkets to enter?


If you throw away the offending entry point after the demon arrives do you in actually block the exit?


Why do so many fundies deserve to be bitch slapped for their lack of parenting skills?




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LOL if demons are so powerful why do they need trinkets to enter?


If you throw away the offending entry point after the demon arrives do you in actually block the exit?


Why would you expect logic to enter the picture? :HaHa:


When I was in college I had a suite-mate who got me into this whole line of fundy thinking. It was pure paranoia. I opted out of pledging my fraternity because of the occultic undertones. I protected my room by writing scriptures on the backs of anything I hung on the wall. Man, the only other time I was that paranoid involved LOTS of methamphetamine! :twitch:



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Why would you expect logic to enter the picture?  :HaHa:


... Man, the only other time I was that paranoid involved LOTS of methamphetamine!  :twitch:



logic :Doh: You are so right even I couldn't be any righter!


BTW I Love Underwear Gnomes




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wow. Life among the delusional. Religion. Nice fruit.


Glad I have no dealings with religionists whatsoever in real life. Mythra, being the tactful individual that I am, would tell em to eat shit and die twice over. (even if it was my own mother)


Hopefully this nutcase won't go one step further and put a bullet through the head of her six year old in order to insure him a place in heaven.

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She's making a huge mistake. These are the things that make children hate their mothers. I've forgiven mine, but the residual strain it put on the relationship affects me to this day.


Things I've delt with:


No watching the Brady Bunch! They had an episode about ghosts, so therefore they endorse the occult.


No watching Scooby Doo! Again with the occult!


No watching that painting show with the afro guy. Vincent van Gogh was demonically possessed and sliced off his ear, so painting is evil.


No modern music! Any tapes I made of Guns and Roses and other rock groups were destroyed. Only oldies are permitted.


Gargoyles, dragons and animal statues = occult idols.


Tarot cards = no! (I still push the envelope with this one)


No celebrating Halloween or the traditional elements of Easter. Chocolate crosses only.

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Would you prosecute YOUR mother when she tries to protect you from poison?  You would go after your own mother just because she got between you and your sin.....


The mother's active ignorance, or, submitting to her fears, by doing these things justify absolutely nothing.


My own mother played this game with me growing up.

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Same thing happened to me. My mother went through a purging phase. Looking back on my life growing up, I can say she was insane.


I always found it particularly ironic considering her live-in biker boyfriend at the time.


Because of many episodes like these and for other reasons, we are no longer on speaking terms.


Which have also lead me to the conclusion that giving birth does not make one a mother.

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If my mom would be to to those things (she really wouldn't but lets say she got really really fundie) I'd be out of here in a blink of an eye. It's a destruction of private property. If your friend's mother was to go to her neighbor's house and 'purge it of evil' wouldn't they call the cops? Even if it's her house it's not her stuff, final. She could ask for it to be removed but not destroy it.

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As much as I deplore this woman's actions and consider her a crazy lady full of crazy, I think we have to put family above the loss of material goods, even if performed in a crazy and pseudo-malicious manner.


Almost everything pales in comparison to family. I do think that she was wrong and that she needs help, but running away from her isn't going to do it. 18-year-old son should try to get some space, give her an uninterrupted spiel about his views (after all, he had to put up with hers) and try to bury the hatchet if they can.

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Which have also lead me to the conclusion that giving birth does not make one a mother.


Amen to that.


My mother treated me horribly because she was ultra-perfectionistic (and probably had low self-esteem due to the cult). So of course, I grew up with very low self-esteem and it was only after high school that I was able to turn my life around.

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Would you prosecute YOUR mother when she tries to protect you from poison?  You would go after your own mother just because she got between you and your sin.....


Swords and video games are poison?


If Allyson Hannigan is poison, I'm drinking the Kool-Aid!

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No watching Scooby Doo!  Again with the occult!


That's extra messed up, because on Scooby Doo it always turned out that the "ghosts" were a hoax perpetrated by humans! And it would have worked, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!

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As much as I deplore this woman's actions and consider her a crazy lady full of crazy, I think we have to put family above the loss of material goods, even if performed in a crazy and pseudo-malicious manner.


Almost everything pales in comparison to family.


I strongly disagree. Destruction of property is destruction of property, no matter who does it. And the guy's 18; moving out wouldn't be "running away", it would be moving on to the independent adult phase of his life.

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My dad made me tear up a classic cartoon I made because it were so full of naked people.


I've never forgived him since.

Also when I was a fundy, I tore up most of my cartoons because of the "No Graven images" rules. FUCK THE BIBBLE!


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