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Goodbye Jesus

Quick Thought On Billboards...


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So while driving around I see a billboard about "Giving my life to Jesus" or some such thing. It's the second time I've seen this billboard pop up in my area. Some stupid white letters on all black. Annoying.


Then I think about the anti-religion billboards that can't make any in-roads. They're shot down in flames. Then I think why don't the anti-religion types kind of fight fire with fire? Since people are all happy with the xian bible crap just take out billboards with similar "approved" messages? Go to the billboard folks with bible verses? Like the ones about smearing dung on your face? Or ripping the bellies of pregger chicks open? That stuff? White on black. Bible verses. How could anyone not approve? Right? It's their own "sacred" words. Or don't they want that stuff up in 40 foot letters?


I think a campaign that was only from the "loving" pre-approved bible verses "I'm going to smear dung on your face [verse reference] -God" would be great and pretty fucking effective. Who cares if "they" cry "context...wah...wah!" It's not like "Jesus loves you" isn't loaded contextually. Oh well, just another random thought.



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So while driving around I see a billboard about "Giving my life to Jesus" or some such thing. It's the second time I've seen this billboard pop up in my area. Some stupid white letters on all black. Annoying.


Then I think about the anti-religion billboards that can't make any in-roads. They're shot down in flames. Then I think why don't the anti-religion types kind of fight fire with fire? Since people are all happy with the xian bible crap just take out billboards with similar "approved" messages? Go to the billboard folks with bible verses? Like the ones about smearing dung on your face? Or ripping the bellies of pregger chicks open? That stuff? White on black. Bible verses. How could anyone not approve? Right? It's their own "sacred" words. Or don't they want that stuff up in 40 foot letters?


I think a campaign that was only from the "loving" pre-approved bible verses "I'm going to smear dung on your face [verse reference] -God" would be great and pretty fucking effective. Who cares if "they" cry "context...wah...wah!" It's not like "Jesus loves you" isn't loaded contextually. Oh well, just another random thought.




That would be awesome! I would definitely contribute to something like this. What if we try to start a campaign like this, kind of like the atheist bus campaign?

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