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Goodbye Jesus

Why Do Handicapped People Love Jesus?


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I seen Ronnie Milsap on a commricial singing amazing grace he sings the words "I was blind but now I see" You'd think he'd say yea right I can't see!


I wonder if he ever read his brail bible and felt some verses like this:



Exodus 4:11:


and the lord said unto him, who hath made a man's mouth or who maketh the dumb or deaf or the seeing or the blind have I not the lord?




Or how about this verse saying people with blemishes are not good enough to give God bread.


Levitcus 21: 17-18


speak now unto Aaron saying whoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath eny blemish let him not approah to offer the bread of his God.



for whosover he that hath a blemish he shall not approch a blind manor a lame. or a flat nose or anything superfluous


Yea, God made the blind and They can't offer bread to God...This so called loving God.


He made Ronnie blind who was gave up by his mother to his grandmother then to an orphanage.





He ever read the story of Jesus healing the blind with mud? John 9:1-12 and think why wont he heal me?


People will probally say well, God blessed him he was very successful


You know he could've been succesful without blindness.


Or is the fall of mankind...He is let be blind cause Adam and Eve ate from that apple tree.


Anyone know how screwed up that sounds? That God let's what ever happen to us happen cause of that or, I have heard it was some sort of plan or purpose.


Humans are more moral than this God...No court of law would convict children for what their ancestors did.


Certainly, they wouldn't inflict blindness on them if they decided to convict them.


Now ,the next argument will be God has a plan for you and Oh, Ronnie is a famous singer see God had a plan.


Yea, It's easy to use famous people and Say look God had a plan see!


What about people who don't become famous or are not able to do anything?


What about people who are vegitables? What's their plan from God?


I really don't get why a handicapped person would ever love God....I wonder if people in a wheelchair for example see people walking and Think Why not me God!!!!!!!


It seems to me if God exists he'd make everyone perfect.


If I made for example a birdhouse and made the roof crooked people would criticise me.


Does this God if he exist not care that he looks bad?


I guess if he existed he would.


One thing that's sad is handicapped people got enough to worry about without wasting their lives on a god that if it exists really don't seem to give a fuck.

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A very good friend of mine who died a couple of years ago was a quadriplegic. He said he had been "healed" so many times in his youth that he lost count.


When I met him he was a staunch atheist. We hung out together a lot and people actually offered to pray for him. His response was always, "Pray for your own sorry ass. I don't need it."


Fond memories of Larry.

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I like that quote "pray your own sorry ass i don't need it"

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Yes, I don't get this either. For many years when I was a little girl my mother would go every once in a while to faith healers, and I would look on in anticipation of her healing as the preachers did the laying of hands and she was pushed over. When I noticed that her leg ( which is swollen four times it's size due to a lymph node disorder) didn't get any better she would just tell me "Perhaps it wasn't my time to be healed."


As a little girl I would take what she said as true as I was innocent, but as I got older I would ask and she would still dismiss me with some excuse or another. Finally four years ago I told her when she went back to church "If there's a god out there, and you come home and your leg has shrunk then I WILL believe in your god! Still I won't go back until I see a miracle."


Oh, and there are the xtian kids out there with terminal diseases whose parents give them false hope in the form of having every xtian out there pray for them online. Well if prayer did work, then how come these kids always die? :rolleyes:

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Oh, and there are the xtian kids out there with terminal diseases whose parents give them false hope in the form of having every xtian out there pray for them online. Well if prayer did work, then how come these kids always die? :rolleyes:


Yeah, it is also illegal in most states, if not all, to not take your child to the doctor when they have a serious illness. But apparently Christians are above the law. :rolleyes:

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I can't stand these churches that people believe in not taking people to the doctor alot of people have ended up dead that way.


When kids or anyone dies of cancer or some illness I usually hear it was their time to go.


If god exists then it seems pretty sorry to me to make a kid go in a painful way and so young.


They never get to live and experiance life.

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When kids or anyone dies of cancer or some illness I usually hear it was their time to go.


This bothers me so much when someone says it, right up there with, "Oh, he/she went to a better place." I always feel like saying, "How do you know that? Are you tracking the guy's soul or something?" I love how people act like they just *know*. I know it's just what people say to try to get past it, but isn't it better to face reality as it happens than have to face it later?

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I used to wonder about that too. It's interesting when someone one dies who they used to say was going to hell. So, does God just let you in anyway and Hell was a joke or something?

Now, when people say they are in a better place..I think a a dark box waiting for worms to eat them?...why is that better?

Why is death better than life..."a better place?" What could be better than being alive?

But then I think these people don't know the truth.




When kids or anyone dies of cancer or some illness I usually hear it was their time to go.


This bothers me so much when someone says it, right up there with, "Oh, he/she went to a better place." I always feel like saying, "How do you know that? Are you tracking the guy's soul or something?" I love how people act like they just *know*. I know it's just what people say to try to get past it, but isn't it better to face reality as it happens than have to face it later?

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When my daughter was sick, we were constantly praying for miracles. Nothing happened. We went to all the best docs. She only got worse. When she finally took her health in her own hands, found some alternative therapies and raw foods diet, she experience complete healing in a matter of months. www.bethanysstory.com

However, the church people were like, Hey praise god, he healed her. My response was, yeah, and he needed a $400 juicer, radical change in diet and hours of physical therapy every week to make it happen! Everyone had told her to just accept her (partially) paralyzed legs, etc. Glad she didnt'!

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I'm glad she finally looked into it and healed her illness. That's what everyone needs to do besides wasting it on prayers.

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When my daughter was sick, we were constantly praying for miracles. Nothing happened. We went to all the best docs. She only got worse. When she finally took her health in her own hands, found some alternative therapies and raw foods diet, she experience complete healing in a matter of months. www.bethanysstory.com

However, the church people were like, Hey praise god, he healed her. My response was, yeah, and he needed a $400 juicer, radical change in diet and hours of physical therapy every week to make it happen! Everyone had told her to just accept her (partially) paralyzed legs, etc. Glad she didnt'!

Thanks for the link! I have Bipolar Disorder, and I went from being extremely ill and basically non-functional to being healthy and basically fully functional with natural therapies. Here's the link to my site:





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I just thought of something..alot of people give god the credit when they find ways to heal themselves.


I don't understand why when they did it all by themselves.


I'd like to hear someone say "I cured my illness all by myself fuck god he didn't do a damn thing cause he don't exist! and if he does he didn't do shit it was all me!" or If you went to the doctor and he did it"God didn't do a damn thing...I drove my ass there!...did what the doctor said...paid my bill and I am healed no thanks to god."


Then tell their success story...don't that sound more empowering and interesting than saying "gawd healed me..even tho i seen a doctor...gawd did it.


Fuck god he didn't do shit!

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Thanks, BroJeff and Willybilly!

More action, less prayer. Sounds like a better way to approach life, to me!

Jeff, I went to your website and even posted it on my facebook (I'm jo hagensen). I love spreading word of people healing themselves!

Thanks for sharing it!

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Thanks, BroJeff and Willybilly!

More action, less prayer. Sounds like a better way to approach life, to me!

Jeff, I went to your website and even posted it on my facebook (I'm jo hagensen). I love spreading word of people healing themselves!

Thanks for sharing it!

Thanks! And I agree, more action and less talking to imaginary invisible sky people is the way to go! :)

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Ronnie's glad the lard and slaver didn't make him blind and deaf.

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Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading this thread. I felt like Dr. House was here--and not just in florduh's avatar!

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Yes, I don't get this either. For many years when I was a little girl my mother would go every once in a while to faith healers, and I would look on in anticipation of her healing as the preachers did the laying of hands and she was pushed over. When I noticed that her leg ( which is swollen four times it's size due to a lymph node disorder) didn't get any better she would just tell me "Perhaps it wasn't my time to be healed."


As a little girl I would take what she said as true as I was innocent, but as I got older I would ask and she would still dismiss me with some excuse or another. Finally four years ago I told her when she went back to church "If there's a god out there, and you come home and your leg has shrunk then I WILL believe in your god! Still I won't go back until I see a miracle."


Oh, and there are the xtian kids out there with terminal diseases whose parents give them false hope in the form of having every xtian out there pray for them online. Well if prayer did work, then how come these kids always die? :rolleyes:


Well, the thing is, they don't always die and the nutjobs attribute the remission of disease to Jeebus rather than to the as of yet unknown physical reason, or even worse, instead of to the KNOWN physical reason. That's the thing with these people. Even in this age where knowledge is increasing (yeah, yeah, you fundies out there, I know what the Bible says about that too) and we are learning ever more about the world around us and about what makes us tick, there are still things we don't know. There will ALWAYS be things we don't know. So rather than accepting this simple fact, these poor folk have to have an answer for everything they don't understand. In this case, the answer suits their belief and unfortunately bolsters their faith in the "power of prayer" or their "faith healers". A simple psychological fact is that we remember the good and forget the bad. When the child of a fundy survives a life-threatening disease, it's remembered and "God" is glorified. When one dies the lack of a "miraculous" recovery is glossed over with inane comments like, "The Lord called his little one home" or some such other bullshit, and the event is forgotten and never brought up again.

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When my daughter was sick, we were constantly praying for miracles. Nothing happened. We went to all the best docs. She only got worse. When she finally took her health in her own hands, found some alternative therapies and raw foods diet, she experience complete healing in a matter of months. www.bethanysstory.com

However, the church people were like, Hey praise god, he healed her. My response was, yeah, and he needed a $400 juicer, radical change in diet and hours of physical therapy every week to make it happen! Everyone had told her to just accept her (partially) paralyzed legs, etc. Glad she didnt'!


What really pisses me off about the fundies is that when you reply with the purely physical, absolutely non-supernatural/spiritual remedy used to bring about the change in situation, they still claim it was "God" using these things to heal! Like the joke about the guy that finds himself in a flood but won't leave his house because he believes God will save him. The waters rise and a truck comes by and tells him he needs to leave, but he says no, God will save him. The waters rise and he goes up to the second floor. A boat comes by the window to get him out and he says no, God will save him. The waters rise and he goes to the roof. A helicopter comes by to rescue him and he says no, God will save him. He dies in the flood and gets to heaven and asks "Why didn't you save me, God?" God says, "I sent you a truck, a boat and a helicopter, what more did you want?" You can't win with them. They're so blinded with their faith that they can't see the simple truth. God doesn't use everyday physical occurrences to save people because God doesn't exist, or if one does, it doesn't meddle in mortal affairs. The physical occurrences do. Some people get rescued. Many more die. Some people find remedies for their maladies through the efforts of science and trial and error. Many more die from those maladies with no miraculous healing. No "god" has anything to do with it.

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