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Goodbye Jesus

A Good Argument Against Scriptural Translation That I Heard Recently.

Guest mrmatt

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Guest mrmatt

A friend of mine raised a quite good argument to me recenlty. - He was speculating on how 'free will' works exactly, and does it have any boundaries...


Basically (and I thought that this was a really good point) he was wondering about translations over the centuries. What he was thinking was if a scribe, however many years ago had 'free will' still intact as he came to translate the buybull, what would stop him either changing words or meanings, or entire sentences etc for his own corrupt ends? For example, if some corrupt people in positions of power were to want to alter the bible for their own political or tyrannical motices etc what would stop them, as afterall they have the 'free will' to do so - if God stopped them, or changed their minds somehow before they changed the bible, then they would no longer have the free will he offers...


Just an interesting concept I thought, and if these people still had 100% free will during these times, xtians could be reading and running their lives around the biggest load of lies and twisted, altered stories ever! (some already think they are anyhow)


I just thought I'd share this as it seemed a reasonable argument on the possible reliability of 'god's word'

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And, in fact, we know that scribes did alter the text for any number of reasons.


But. The real hard liners say that the KJV came along to "fix" these problems. The HS showed up, like it did so long ago with revision 1.0, and put things right with the KJV1611 (just ignore the fact that there were multiple revisions of the KJV). They hold that the KJV1611, in ENGLISH, is more accurate than the best GREEK we've got our hands on. So there's literally no getting through their head that this translation from the Greek isn't as good as the Greek it came from or as good as older, better, Greek documents because this baby has the HS on its side and errors in transmission are NIL. We're back to revision 1.0 goodness.


I know this because I've had this argument. I've never felt so stupid since I had no idea how to respond beyond yelling how stupid the other person was (and, of course yelling makes you lose but what the hell...I mean...what the hell). The only "free will" was the will to be utterly moronic to a level that I couldn't comprehend. But maybe with someone more rational it could work...



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How do these KJV only fundies get around the KJV mentioning that unicorns are real?

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How do these KJV only fundies get around the KJV mentioning that unicorns are real?


Maybe they think it's an invisible pink unicorn, hence why they ignore it.

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... But. The real hard liners say that the KJV came along to "fix" these problems. The HS showed up, like it did so long ago with revision 1.0, and put things right with the KJV1611 (just ignore the fact that there were multiple revisions of the KJV). They hold that the KJV1611, in ENGLISH, is more accurate than the best GREEK we've got our hands on.


And how do they know that this is true? What evidence do they have that this occurred? I'm guessing NONE, and when you make extraordinary claims such as this you've got nothing if you have no proof.

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As the first act of converting to xianity, folks should be required to learn Greek, Latin, and Aramaic so they can quote the lard and slaver accurately. Most fundys have enough trouble with plain English. That'd make it even more fun to watch brother Cletus try and recite the lard's prayer in Aramaic. :P

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How do these KJV only fundies get around the KJV mentioning that unicorns are real?

Get around? :scratch:


The book says they were real. They were real. Noah put a couple on the ark, they floated around a bit and then they came off. They made a go at their new unicorn lives but eventually died out.


I don't know all the arguments for why we don't have unicorn skeletons but I'm sure they're along the lines the usual stuff. We haven't searched the whole planet. The unicorns were never that plentiful to begin with. The "horn" was made of something like cartilage, not bone, so when we dig up certain "horse" skeletons they're really unicorns (sans easily decayed "horn"). And so on.


Now just repeat for any of the mythological creatures mentioned because all I know is if they're mentioned then they lived.



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And how do they know that this is true? What evidence do they have that this occurred? I'm guessing NONE, and when you make extraordinary claims such as this you've got nothing if you have no proof.

They've got the HS to tell them in the here and now that it did this way back then. Plus, they have little comparison charts where the KJV mentions things like (and most importantly) "jesus" where these other texts do not. So they are "removing" him from the bible. Obviously "god" would not want that so this must be a "blessed" version.


I guess if I wrote a new version that had twice the "jesus" of the KJV they might think it was the even more inspired version?


But I really didn't follow the "logic" of the (numerous) arguments over this. They'd always just start asserting stuff. I get pissed and start yelling. It never went well. ;) I could probably do much better nowadays.



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[sarcasm]That's impossible, the God would never let anyone change his word to suit their needs.[/sarcasm]

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How do these KJV only fundies get around the KJV mentioning that unicorns are real?


Unicorns ARE real. I saw one this morning on my way to work.



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How do these KJV only fundies get around the KJV mentioning that unicorns are real?


This song explains the whole thing. (The video is kind of lame but the song has been one of my favorites since I was a kid despite the xtian storyline.)

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I just saw another pink unicorn. I shot him. Then I ate him!

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