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Goodbye Jesus

Fundy Sister-in-law


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The other night(Easter Sunday,no less) I inform my brother on the phone that I was no longer a Xian. That I haven't been for over 4 years.

He tells his wife after wards, evidently, so today I get a handwritten letter from her attempting to win me back to the faith. I have never gotten such a depressing, disheartening letter before.

Here are some of the low-lights: My thoughts in ().


"I cannot believe you have even read the Bible nor comprehend it.( Yes, I have read the Buy-bull for years and that is part of the problem, I comprehend

it!) You cannot do so without the Holy Spirit.(But, I was saved and supposedly had "it" already.)


What concerns me most is that you are going to Hell if you believe everything you get on the internet.(Nothing about over 1500 years of scholarship

poking holes in the Xian doctrine.)


You haven't ever been involved with the church or believers enough to comprehend the "Good News". (Granted even while I was a fundy I didn't

attend church since I was child, but that was because I thought they were all "apostate", but that is another story. Yeah, maybe I needed more time

with god's "painted- smiled hypocrites".)


50% of all evangelical christians have not had there prayers answered. Why?(uh, maybe there is no god,and the other 50% are idiots!) The Bible list reasons. Study it. First their is Sin. Second asking amiss that

you can persue your own lust & desires. Third is disbelief. Everything in the Bible is based on Faith.(Truer words never spoken. Faith=bullshit!)

Which you obviously lack. How could you if you don't understand the Bible it's promises.(verbatim. But I was supposedly salved, and had the holy spook!)


Your brother and I are praying for your eyes to be opened. Please don't shut us out. (Maybe your eyes need opening. Haven't shut you out. This has

never been an issue, until I made known my beliefs.)


Your brother is going to respond sereparately to your shallow accusations of contradictions in the Bible.(shallow accusations?)


(Here's the kicker)- "Your mother and grandmother would be turning over in their graves if that were possible."(ouch! kick in the nuts! I was never closer

to anyone than my mother who I cared for the last 13 years because of various health issues. She died last July. How dare she bring my mother into this!

How the fuck does she know that what my mother & grandmother would be doing now? I mean they would probably praise me for using my head and

rejecting the death cult and asking for forgiveness for exposing me to such non-sense.)


I don't know Greek, Aramaic, or Hebrew, but some of your sematic problems are from translation to English. You need dialog with a scholar to explain

your questions, but let me be clear their is no contradictions.(No, you need dialog with a scholar, dumb ass! and no contradictions :twitch:


Christ fullfilled approx. 118 prophecies 2000 years before his birth. The passover feast that Jews celebrate still to this day represents Christ death, burial,

and resurrection. That sader meal started right after the Israelites left Epypt. study it. ( unbelievable ignorance!)


Finally, I write this because I care. I know God' word is true, and I don't want you to be blindsided by Satan. ( And I don't want you to be blindsided by



I just don't know where to begin or how to respond. Starting to think this was a big mistake letting them know of my deconversion. :ugh:

This at a time when I feel as lonely and isolated as ever with the recent death of my mother. I mean this is fucking infuriating!


I could use some help!

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You want help? Run.


There is no point in debating fundies, as they already know it all. All you can do is live an exemplary and happy life, free of religious shackles. Family and friends must accept you as you are, without compromise.


Why must you explain and defend your beliefs to them? Fundy belief is not the default position and your "crime" is simply that you disagree with them. You have that right.


Good luck with them.

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Sorry to hear that. I have a feeling that when I finally come out to my family, I will go through something similar.


BTW...Is you username from the Metallica song?

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Well -- Next time you speak to her -- Ask her if she would be open for discussion on the bible contradictions without any involvement in any unnecessary anger. If she says no, tell her that it's okay, but be secure in your position that you do not want to be looked down upon for your choices, and you in turn won't look down on her for her choices.


Be secure in yourself and your decisions, If she won't have an intellectual debate about your reasoning for regarding the christianity/bible as rubbish -- It's okay! No need to debate her! But be stern that you will not put up with any demeaning or demoralizing comments from her simply because she see's herself as a christian.


You know how she has reacted, so don't bother bringing it up until she brings it up. Maybe you could carry around some notes in your Wallet regarding biblical contradictions, just so you are somewhat prepared, and don't seem like an idiot when it comes up! Just bring it around with you when you expect to speak/meet with them, and you'll start to memorize them if it ever comes up again...


Nothing worse than a conversation, You: "Scholars say this" Her: "Scholars say this!" and have nothing to back it up.. So just be prepared -- If she's willing to debate -- for a defense on your part, because she is obviously on the offensive towards your decision.


Leave some emotions behind -- but hold on to some others that will keep you strong. This is going to be hard for you - I can see it. Try to avoid being offensive towards them, and avoid being offended. Make up some mutual ground, but protect yourself from useless mental games. It's hard to do things like this alone -- but if you ever need specific help, just ask away!


Have fun, she sounds ... interesting.. ;)

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You want help? Run.


There is no point in debating fundies, as they already know it all. All you can do is live an exemplary and happy life, free of religious shackles. Family and friends must accept you as you are, without compromise.


Why must you explain and defend your beliefs to them? Fundy belief is not the default position and your "crime" is simply that you disagree with them. You have that right.


Good luck with them.


I agree with florduh.


Starting to think this was a big mistake letting them know of my deconversion.


Hey, it had to happen sooner or later, them finding out. Sometimes sooner is better...sort of like ripping off a bandaid. Don't let 'em rattle your cage.

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Thanks for the advise guys!


You want help? Run.


Yes, what is the point in debating with fundys? They are so dead-set in their belief system that any contradictory evidence does not matter with them.


I don't want to burn any bridges with these people after all they are family, but I will insist that they accept me for who I am, no matter what I believe

or don't believe.


I am going to try to remain calm and take the high road in this and maybe they'll see that "heathens" aren't that bad.


Also, forgot to mention that she sent this little gem called "The Truth about demons" by some ass-clown named James Robison.

Guess she thinks that I am possessed by demons or in league with them or something now. Oh, well I probably would have done something

similar when I was inflicted with my delusions.


BTW...Is you username from the Metallica song?

Yes, it is from the Metallica song. One of the greatest metal bands in the world by the way.

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