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For the persistant PM/e.mail correspondent who HATES my Pro Self Protection posts...


Just for you. "Guns Save Lives"...










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I approve!

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I am going to change my "Any Gods" profile answer to Nivek.

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1) In a given year, how many innocent American lives were saved by having a gun as protection?


2) In a given year, how many innocent American lives were lost by guns bought for protection?


I don’t own a gun because I honestly believe that #2 is more likely and I don’t want to add the problem even though I believe that my own safety would be enhanced by gun ownership. However I do not push for gun control because I don’t see a way to resolve the issue without even more bloodshed. The horses are out the barn and there is no way to get them back in.

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Just for you. "Guns Save Lives"...


:clap: Cold day in hell before they take my guns!

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Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people.

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1) In a given year, how many innocent American lives were saved by having a gun as protection?


2) In a given year, how many innocent American lives were lost by guns bought for protection?


I don’t own a gun because I honestly believe that #2 is more likely and I don’t want to add the problem even though I believe that my own safety would be enhanced by gun ownership. However I do not push for gun control because I don’t see a way to resolve the issue without even more bloodshed. The horses are out the barn and there is no way to get them back in.


May shed some numerical data to discussion


Clayton Cramer's site


Volokh Conspiracy


Few resources on the Pro-use side.



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I'm in favor of self-defense and the right to concealed-carry.

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Thank you Nivek for the links. I have read a bit so far and then did a web-search on these studies to see the opposition’s take on it. I guess I should not be surprised to find that proponents of both sides slant their findings to make them look good. Those arguing for more gun control made blanket statements about the suicide and murder rates in the homes of people who buy guns, but never said the actual gun was involved, which I thought was very misleading.


Nivek, I am realist about guns. They are here and there is nothing I can do about it. If we started with a clean slate and guns were just invented then I would be gung-ho about disallowing their sale, but that is not the case. You obviously feel safer knowing you have access to guns and I don’t lose any sleep over knowing that “you” have guns. What concerns me are the people who should not have them. I don’t see any legal means of denying them access either. We can’t make a law that someone can’t have a gun because Dennis thinks they are whacko, so I just accept it. In nearly 49 years of life I have never seen a gun used (in real life) against another person. I am not going to starting worrying about it now.

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  • Super Moderator
In nearly 49 years of life I have never seen a gun used (in real life) against another person.


Usually, you only get one chance to see it (if you are unarmed).


I hope you never encounter the ultimate violent act, but the odds against it are increasing every year, unfortunately.

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You obviously feel safer knowing you have access to guns and I don’t lose any sleep over knowing that “you” have guns. What concerns me are the people who should not have them.

"If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."


Personally, I don't like guns anymore than you do. I don't own any, and I've no desire to. It's possible - probable, even - that, were I to purchase a gun and learn to use and maintain it properly I'd be statistically safer, but I've not seen sufficient evidence to convince me it would be necessary for my situation. Cliche as the above argument is, however, it's also true. Especially with today's technology enabling the dis- and reassembly of firearms both for ease of transport and getting around security measures, there's absolutely no practical way to prevent sufficiently motivated individuals from procuring them. In that case, I'm glad Kevin and others like him are allowed legal possession thereof as well, and that, were my feelings to change and I decide my situation does warrant the extra security measure, I'd have that option as well.

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Exactly. IMO, the first and surest sign someone shouldn't have a gun is their treating it like a "cool toy."

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