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Will Liberty Replace Christianity In Post-christian America?


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Will liberty replace Christianity in post-Christian America?

Classically Liberal

by CLS


"[P]ost-Christian doesn't mean that Christians disappear. It means the

society itself is officially non-religious and religion remains in the

private sphere. It doesn't mean there is no Christian presence, or

that Christians are hidden away. It merely means that Christianity, or

any religion for that matter, is not the motivating force in the

public arena. It is total separation of church and state. Public

policy debates will take place primarily in the realm of reason,

resting on evidence, not promoted because of the theological opinions

of some televangelist. Newsweek offered some evidence of the post-

Christian trend. In 1994, 64 percent of Americans said that 'faith'

could help answer the nation's problems. In the most recent poll they

found that this was down to 48 percent. In 1957, 82 percent said

religion answered problems." (04/18/09)



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That sounds quite heavenly ;)


Base public policy on reason not on dillusional fairy tales?? How novel.

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Will liberty replace Christianity in post-Christian America?

Classically Liberal

by CLS


"[P]ost-Christian doesn't mean that Christians disappear. It means the

society itself is officially non-religious and religion remains in the

private sphere. It doesn't mean there is no Christian presence, or

that Christians are hidden away. It merely means that Christianity, or

any religion for that matter, is not the motivating force in the

public arena. It is total separation of church and state. Public

policy debates will take place primarily in the realm of reason,

resting on evidence, not promoted because of the theological opinions

of some televangelist. Newsweek offered some evidence of the post-

Christian trend. In 1994, 64 percent of Americans said that 'faith'

could help answer the nation's problems. In the most recent poll they

found that this was down to 48 percent. In 1957, 82 percent said

religion answered problems." (04/18/09)




There are as many ways to deprive citizens of liberty as there are denominatons of Christianity. If society does truly become post-Christian, this is no guarentee that society will be more tolerant or its citizens more free.


If we are becoming post-Christian, are we also becoming a pre-Islam society? That doesn't bode well for liberty. If 'judeo-christian' no longer describes our set of values and morals, will ethics and morality simply be the tool of manipulative corporate entities who merely want to control employees in order to get the most out of them with the least possible return back to them?


In all ages, "pre" or "post" to any "-ism", liberty, personal dignity and the pursuit of happiness as the individual defines it will have to be consciously and vigorously defended. The right to liberty in light of history is such a rare commodity that no one can delude themselves into thinking it cannot quickly be taken away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The USA is already in its post Christian history years .

Africa is where the gospel is NOW being received with much welcome.

not the USA.

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Will liberty replace Christianity in post-Christian America?

Classically Liberal

by CLS


"[P]ost-Christian doesn't mean that Christians disappear. It means the

society itself is officially non-religious and religion remains in the

private sphere. It doesn't mean there is no Christian presence, or

that Christians are hidden away. It merely means that Christianity, or

any religion for that matter, is not the motivating force in the

public arena. It is total separation of church and state. Public

policy debates will take place primarily in the realm of reason,

resting on evidence, not promoted because of the theological opinions

of some televangelist. Newsweek offered some evidence of the post-

Christian trend. In 1994, 64 percent of Americans said that 'faith'

could help answer the nation's problems. In the most recent poll they

found that this was down to 48 percent. In 1957, 82 percent said

religion answered problems." (04/18/09)




There are as many ways to deprive citizens of liberty as there are denominatons of Christianity. If society does truly become post-Christian, this is no guarentee that society will be more tolerant or its citizens more free.


If we are becoming post-Christian, are we also becoming a pre-Islam society? That doesn't bode well for liberty. If 'judeo-christian' no longer describes our set of values and morals, will ethics and morality simply be the tool of manipulative corporate entities who merely want to control employees in order to get the most out of them with the least possible return back to them?


In all ages, "pre" or "post" to any "-ism", liberty, personal dignity and the pursuit of happiness as the individual defines it will have to be consciously and vigorously defended. The right to liberty in light of history is such a rare commodity that no one can delude themselves into thinking it cannot quickly be taken away.


I think you know america is now very ripe for islam to spread and it is.

one has no further to look than states like Michigan .

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I think you know america is now very ripe for islam to spread and it is.

one has no further to look than states like Michigan .


*sigh* why is it the crazies like you can't tell the difference between secular democracy and Islam? There is a world of difference, and most of us dislike Islam for many of the same reasons we dislike Christianity.


Do tell us why you think Michigan is ripe for a take over by Islam.

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Guest QuidEstCaritas?
The USA is already in its post Christian history years .

Africa is where the gospel is NOW being received with much welcome.

not the USA.



Goddamn. Gotta love those Africans that are religious, I can see religion in action:






I am fairly sure that's the result of Xtian belief. AFAIK Muslims don't burn "witches" because they don't believe in "witches".


Looks like fertile ground for you retards. I am sure many more innocent people will burn in the name of you and yours' social construct self worship known as "Jesus" and "Christianity" as you take advantage of the Africans' lack of education and understanding of science in order to spread your nefarious bullshit superstitions.


Pride is indeed a very dangerous thing, and I doubt you can prove to me you aren't doing anything other than mistakenly worshipping yourself and a social construct while dishonorably believing in fairy tales that were constructed off the dead bones of a wise man that didn't once asked to be worshipped by anyone. People like you are a fucking disgrace to humanity. Quite honestly when I see Christians I see a bunch of hypocrites worshiping themselves using a mythological text that has been altered so many times it's pathetic. These same people then make every fact and figure about up to almost anything bend around their interpretation of that same book to the point of absurdity.


I see your signature says "Real Cowboys Trust in Jesus". Take your Real America, your Real Christianity, your Real Cowboys, your Real Jesus (LOL), your Real Mob Mentality, your Real Dogshit, and get out of dodge.

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