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Goodbye Jesus

A Fundy Conversation Overheard


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So I was sitting at Barnes and Noble this weekend in one of those big, comfy chairs just minding my own business when I overheard a fundy speaking behind me.


He was going on and on about how the bible is "the truth" and this is what he said.


"If you've read one philosopher you've read them all. You don't need to read anything but Solomon and then you have all the wisdom in the world. And he doesn't talk in circles. None of this evolution proves evolution crap."


Yes, those were his exact words.


Then he told his friend about a conversation he previously had with an atheist. He said, "Do you actually believe you're going to stand before god on judgement day and your opinion is gonna matter?"


Another narcissistic fundy who thinks the bible is the truth just because the bible says it's the truth. And yes, I do beleive my opinion matters even before god himself if there were such a being. That's why I was (supposedly) given free will. What the fuck is the point of having free will if you're going to be punished for exercising it.


GOD: Yeah, here's some free will for ya, but if you use it you're damned.

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I hear that shit everywhere around here. The grand delusion just baffles me. And I'm talking about people that I know are well-educated, and yet they can still believe the fairy tale.

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What I'd like to know is what tangible evidence do they have the the bible contains "THE" truth? Besides personal credulity?

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And why can't they see the circular argument???


The more I read, the more I'm convinced Jesus never lived, period. I wish that it could be proven. Then their whole babble will unravel.

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I'm not convinced that Jesus never lived. I'm convinced he wasn't the son of god though.

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They do not see because they do not WANT to see. The old adage "ignorance is bliss" is never so true as when it is applied to xtianity.

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That has to be some of the most ignorant babbling ever heard. The man should have his own ministry. And TV show.

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Well gee, if you've read one philosopher, you've read them all, then why bother with Solomon or the Bible? Why not the Buddha? The Dhammapada is a hell of a lot easier to understand, and there are no souls or angry bi-polar desert gods you have to throw your lot in with.


Oh wait, that would mean you'd lose your self-righteousness benefits and actually have to think about things instead of having everything handed to you on a platter. Never mind.

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And I bet his friend was like, "lol, owned!!!" I think I would have a hard time not saying anything during a dumb conversation like that.

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What I'd like to know is what tangible evidence do they have the the bible contains "THE" truth? Besides personal credulity?


Because Josh McDowell, Lee Stroble and William Lane Craig told them so! :grin:



To be honest, the book of Proverbs never made any sense to me, no matter how hard I studied them. It was like listening to a senile old man just spout out his own "words of wisdom." The only other supposedly Solomonic book - The Song of Songs - well, let's just say I didn't think about god or jesus when I read that one.

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And why can't they see the circular argument???


The more I read, the more I'm convinced Jesus never lived, period. I wish that it could be proven. Then their whole babble will unravel.



What exactly are you reading that draws you to this conclusion? Almost all historians agree that Jesus of Nazareth was indeed real flesh and blood that walked the earth at some point. What you want to do with the evidence beyond this point is up to you.

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