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Goodbye Jesus

Animal Telepathy?


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Could animals have telepathy? I have been thinking on this for quite some time. Maybe some animals communications are through telepathy. The household animals is the extent of my study :HaHa: Seriously though, an animals young seem to be directed from their mother in a sense, yet their is no audible communication. I know dolphins, and I'm sure other animals would displace this logic, yet, maybe they are just increased in audible recognition rather than the rest.


Maybe audible communication in it's fullest is the cream of the crop for communication, and telepathy is old news. Of course to us, it's new and paranormal activity, yet that would be because we know it. Can't talk about science without religion, Right!!? :grin:


No seriously, in God realm. What if the animals migration routes, swarms, flocks, schools of fish, etc are all under telepathy and we just aren't aware of it fully?


Maybe that's why God described what we humans are capable of? Maybe at one point, we had telepathy as well, and audible accord, therefore we were like gods, yet flesh, and would've destroyed ourselves completely (since evil is in the world or whatever).


Was a deep thought anyhow. What are your thoughts, at least about animals possibly having telepathy?

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Goodbye Jesus

I don't know about God, but I am going to go out on a limb and say I am personally convinced that telepathy happens, among humans and animals.


Read Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home by Rupert Sheldrake. I think you will find it quite interesting.



Any time a scientist actually tries to investigate phenomenon like this, it is branded "pseudo science" and mocked and derided by the scientific establishment.

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Scientists have shown that migratory birds use landmarks for map aids. Makes sense to me. They have a great sense of memory when it comes to direction.


My cat tries hard to send telepathic messages to me. I just think I'm better at reading his facial expressions.

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Unless my wife is lying, I know for a fact my dog is aware of my impending arrival at home before he could possibly hear the car. The dog alerts her 2 or 3 minutes before I hit the driveway.


When we are out on the patio he instantly gets up and follows me inside unless I'm just going in to get a drink or hit the john and come right back. I have deliberately made sure I gave no cues as to whether I'm going in to stay inside, or will be right back. He knows. Maybe I should call him Kreskin the Magnificent Canine.


Oddly enough, I can speak directly to my wife in her native tongue and she still has no idea what I'm talking about. But that's another story.

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Oddly enough, I can speak directly to my wife in her native tongue and she still has no idea what I'm talking about. But that's another story.



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Telepathy, no. Animals lack the language centers to communicate with humans. Animals can learn our patterns and be able to know what time of the day we should be arriving back; as far as I know, circadian rhythms exist in all animals.

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Animals can learn our patterns and be able to know what time of the day we should be arriving back


Yes, and I see that too. But I wasn't referring to any pattern, but rather random arrivals from overnight trips, returning from a convention, etc., and coming back from a job for me can mean 3 pm or midnight or anything in between. Hell, I don't know my schedule.


The dog certainly doesn't use telepathic communication - I don't think anyone does. But he does seem to sense certain things without any external cues as far as I know. It's so spooky I have experimented, making sure I give no clues. I'm reduced to trying to fool a dog. I give up, the dog rules!

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It could be the car sound. They can hear sounds we can not. So if you drive a car and it got some particular sound that they can learn to recognize, they would be able to give early warning.

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It could be the car sound.


It could be, if the car was within audible range, but 2 or 3 minutes prior to my arrival I doubt anything could hear it. I'm a mile away.


I don't want to assign psychic powers to animals, but I honestly can't explain some of the behavior - and I'm a pretty analytical guy. I must conclude that my dog is God.

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I must conclude that my dog is God.

Your dog is Satan. He is deceiving you.



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Guest Marty

I got that book by the missionary that went to the Amazon to convert the people there and they ended up de-converting him. He says that the Amazonian people can hear motorboats hours before they arrive at the village.


I'm sure the dogs can hear something from the car even at great distances. Low frequencies travel much farther than high frequencies. Perhaps each car has its own subsonic signature that travels very well that your dog has learned to recognize.

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I'd rather think my dog is God, thank you.


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I got three dogs, so I got the Triunite Dog.

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I'd like to believe in telepathy, but I think a lot of it is physical cues we give to each other and our pets. ie if a cat flicks their tail, it generally means something is irritating them and if it doesn't stop they will send a stronger physical message. I can generally read my cats like a book, but I have come accustom to them too. It works in reverse too. As humans, the eyes can show a lot about a person too, as well as their physical behaviours and tone of voice.

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You people can keep your precious science and logic and that Darwin fellow you worship. I believe my dog is God because it just feels right.


So there.

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You people can keep your precious science and logic and that Darwin fellow you worship. I believe my dog is God because it just feels right.


So there.


My cats remember they were once worshiped as gods. So there! 15.gif Bast RULES! Sirius drools.

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  • Super Moderator
Bast RULES! Sirius drools.


Okay. We have a winner.


The doG will be disappointed, but my cats will be happy with that pronouncement.

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But of course. Bast is a good house goddess along with all the other cat gods and goddesses. :D

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