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Goodbye Jesus

Amazing (so Check This Out)

Guest QuidEstCaritas?

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Guest QuidEstCaritas?





The device is activated by commands from surviving arm nerves that have been transplanted and rewired to muscles elsewhere--typically, as in Mitchell's case, in the chest. The nerves send electrical signals to control the prosthetic arm, with results so natural that observers often don't realize the arm is bionic until they listen closely for the sound of whirring motors. Called targeted muscle reinnervation, the procedure is unique because it permits intuitive control over the robotic limb. After about six months of healing, patients can move the arm merely by thinking about what they want it to do, just as they once did with their real arms. Tell Mitchell "Bend your arm," and the muscles in her chest flinch instantaneously--a most peculiar sight. But she is not thinking about moving her chest muscles. Rather, she is thinking about bending her arm, and that thought moves the chest muscles to make the robotic arm do her bidding.




I encourage all here to read this article.




On another note:


So let's see, science can restore sight to the blind, heal amputees, raise the dead, and what else now?


Looks like religion as we know it is in deep shit.

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On another note:


So let's see, science can restore sight to the blind, heal amputees, raise the dead, and what else now?


Looks like religion as we know it is in deep shit.

But can it promise to fuck you up for eternity after you're dead if you don't believe in it RIGHT NOW?


Yeah...didn't think so. Suck on that science.



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But can it promise to fuck you up for eternity after you're dead if you don't believe in it RIGHT NOW?


No. But they are working on it. ;)

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There is one problem. If they succeed in making these prosthetics better than the organic limb, people will be self-amputating just to get the prosthetic.

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