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Goodbye Jesus

An Update


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Some of you may remember last year I wrote in despondent that my hearing is going and I will need to quit my career as a audio engineer. Link I was having a lot of trouble designing the sound for a play I was doing, and was convinced my right ear was shot. Well, over the past year I have gone to quite a few ENTs and discovered my ears are actually fine. What it is is I am very, very allergic to South Florida.


I say South Florida because I have strong reactions to Palm tree pollen and wild grass pollen, which is everywhere down here. But anyway, what I was mistaking as hearing damage is actually my sinus cavity becoming so swollen and irrated that my ear canal narrows and I hear differently.


But the best news of all is that I actually just won a Carbonell award for the show I was designing at the time last year! A Carbonell is like a local "Tony" I guess. It is given for the Tri-County area of Miami/Dade-Broward-and Palm Beach Counties.


I'm ecstatically proud of this, so I wanted to come and share this with you all! Not that anyone would really be interested, but I've posted pics on my website, MartyMets.com In addition to the award, I was also featured in an online arts magizine, which is posted and linked to on my recognition page.


Especially since I am plagued with self-doubt and low self esteem (thanks jesus), this award has really bolstered my confidence. I've been considering moving out of Florida for many years, but now, for the first time, I feel I may actually be able to make it in a bigger, better area!

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Excellent news, Marty! Excellent on both counts! :bounce:


What a relief that must be about your hearing.



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Wow! Congratulations on the award. Think how well you will do now that you can hear!


If you are like me, allergies will always be a problem. I actually contracted pneumonia from mine, several years ago. I have not had it that bad since.


My cousin was in the local theater in Melbourne.


Good luck in the future.

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Congrats! I'm sure that you will be able to make it wherever you choose to live.

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I wish I had that kind of talent Marty. Congratulations, especially on the hearing. I moved to Florida from Michigan in May of 02'. When I was still up there, I had developed some allergies only 4 or 5 years before that. Hay fever, fresh cut grass and some other pollens. I was able to treat them with over the counter meds. After I moved down here they all disappeared. I haven't had a problem since, and we're surrounded by palm trees here too. Just different people react differently to the stuff. When the palm pollen is flying, you can see a coat of yellow dust on the windshield of my car.

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When I saw the thread title I thought it meant you were in trouble with the law. :HaHa:


That's good that your hearing will be okay. Most musicians would sacrifice both arms if it meant they could keep their hearing.

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  • Super Moderator
When I saw the thread title I thought it meant you were in trouble with the law.

That's exactly what I thought.



Most musicians would sacrifice both arms if it meant they could keep their hearing.

That's funny!

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Congratulations, Marty!!!


I also thought you were having legal troubles! I’m glad that it’s all good news about your hearing. And, an award!!! Wow!!! That is just way cool. I am happy for you! :)

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Guest Marty

LOL! I didn't think for a moment that my title would be misunderstood! Thats too funny!




I'm also very glad I now know what's going on. I got another "ear problem" thing just a few weeks ago, right on schedule, yet I didn't freak out on this one because I knew it was just inflammation.


These allergies are also somewhat new, and according to my docs, they can pop up out of nowhere later in life. I'm hoping that simply moving from the area may help me get over this every season.

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Hey, Marty, I'm happy to hear that. I'm a musician myself and I don't know what I'd do if I lost my hearing. Congrats on the award, as well.

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