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Myspace Spam


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I just received a myspace message; and granted I don't usually check these, but I figured I'd go and clean out the inbox. I thought I'd post this to see if anyone else is getting spammed the same way I have been. I get these about once or twice a month - someone doing a research project, tv show, documentary, etc, etc, etc. I'm getting fucking fed-up with people thinking they can profit from what others think MUST be conflict.


Hi! My name is Kristie, and I am an associate at MTV. Right now we are casting for an upcoming episode of the documentary series True Life. I saw you in the ex-christians group and I was wondering if you or anyone you knew would fit what we were looking for in our new upcoming episode.


For this episode, we are looking for people who are at odds with their parents for one reason or another, maybe converting to a new religion and they don't agree? etc.


I would really appreciate if you could post, or pass this along to other members. When we post in groups, a lot of the times people think we are spam.


We are looking for people ages16-24. If you could have people email their situations to Parents@mtvnmix.com with their name, age, location, phone number, and recent photo of themselves I would really appreciate it.


Thanks a lot


Funny thing is, I DO think this is spam! My profile is private, locked, etc - and she still is trying to solicit. It's almost as bad as a friggin' fundy trying to reconvert one of us. Isn't it enough that I just want to be left to myself to live my life without someone wanting to make a spectacle?

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Doesn't seem to me like the best way to recruit. Probably spam.


But, I think the idea could make a great "reality" show for a real network. Edited well, it could be pretty entertaining and informative. So many of the nation's sheep are hooked on so-called reality shows, they might give it a look and some of them might even have some misconceptions dispelled and be prodded to question a few things themselves.

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That's not the most professional, ethical way to go about it. I'm a trained researcher. If I were looking to recruit some of you as guinea pigs, what I would probably do is go through Dave the owner guy first, even if I had only a few specific individuals in mind. And then right up front I'd send all kinds of formal paperwork on official institutional stationary and all kinds of other stuff. I wouldn't just hit you up via PM or something, because it'd be my ass for not following proper protocols.

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Someone with a Disqus profile name of True_Life posted this on the main blog as a response to I Am Also A Survivor:


Hi Todd and everyone else on this site. I'm currently shooting a documentary for MTV and I am looking for people between the ages of 16 and 24 who might of had a falling out with their religion and are at odds with their parents over it. If you or anyone else would like to share their story then please write in to the email address below.








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Funny thing is, I DO think this is spam! My profile is private, locked, etc - and she still is trying to solicit. It's almost as bad as a friggin' fundy trying to reconvert one of us. Isn't it enough that I just want to be left to myself to live my life without someone wanting to make a spectacle?



My profile is private also, however if you click on my name and are not on my friends list it does say my quote, age and where I live. If you're a member of the Ex-C group over on Myspace your User name and avatar will be accessible to anyone looking in that group. I'm way out of the age group and also haven't gotten a message. Delete or report as Spam, I'm sure there are better ways MTV does a casting call. I'd say it's more fishing to bring you back to the fold if anything... :shrug:

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This is totally bogus dude. Where's the VH1 version? I want to go on TV and tell my heinous parents off! They'd be all, like, "As if" and I'd be "Way." That would be so bitchin'. Totally.



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Doesn't seem to me like the best way to recruit. Probably spam.


But, I think the idea could make a great "reality" show for a real network. Edited well, it could be pretty entertaining and informative. So many of the nation's sheep are hooked on so-called reality shows, they might give it a look and some of them might even have some misconceptions dispelled and be prodded to question a few things themselves.



"True Life" really is an MTV reality show and this is exactly like something they'd do for an episode. I don't think it's that far off that they'd recruit on here. I don't know why in the world anyone would send out fake messages like that. All you have to do is email MTV and confirm that she actually works there and that they're looking for people for this subject.


I think it's actually a good idea to show how religion or a lack of religion can tear a family apart. If I was younger, I would consider being a part of it if it was legit.

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