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Goodbye Jesus

Bible Translation

Yaoi Huntress Earth

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If you're familiar with this wiki that would be the word though an even crazier Colbert who wasn't kidding, they have their own biblical translation project to boot: http://www.conservapedia.com/Bible_Retranslation_Project It's sad how they can make both Christians and Conservatives\Repulicans look bad at the same time.

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Oh, I thought it was supposed to be called "constipedia." :HaHa:

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A good bowel movement might do them some good.

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We do know that liberals are a bit more lax when it comes to certain issues.

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I hear that rationalpedia or whatever it's called was created by former conservapedia editors who were sick of the wiki and Phylis Schefly's son whose in charage of it. You should check out the Dan Quayle one where they claim Danny got the upper hand and won the Murphy Brown fiasco.

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A good bowel movement might do them some good.


Yup taking a good dump might enable the remaining shit to slide downwards, out of their cranium. :fdevil:

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A good bowel movement might do them some good.


Specially with all the talk of heavenly thrones and every knee shall bow. :D

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Silly Conversapedia, don't they know that the KJV is the only true translation? It's even more inspired than the Greek manuscripts! If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me! Is it just me or does this translation exist for the purpose of removing any words in the English translation where they use the word liberal in a positive sense?

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I always thought that the ubber conservative Christians regarded the KJV as the inerrant translation. I guess it is no longer good enough for them.

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Silly Conversapedia, don't they know that the KJV is the only true translation?

It's so old, so they're just doing a Bible transplantation.

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