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Summary Of Right Wing Media Attacks On Gay Marriage


Basically what is said in the vid is the mirror image of what I hear all the time here in the South when someone gives their opinion about gay marriage and it always turns into how they think Group-X is disgusting, vile, afflicted animals... never once bringing any real material for an actual argument and at the same time rolls out every sort of lie known to man to paint nothing but red social herrings. It amazes me how easy it is for people like this to see people not as human beings but trash that should be discarded and burned. I'm not sure where I'm really want to take this rant, but this aspect has been on my mind a great deal this week since I've heard this very thing from some people in the work force. It bothers me cause when such things are said in casual conversation I would love to be able to express how I feel about such hateful sayings, but by doing so I wold then out myself, something I don't want to do at this time. So I remain silent. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Bleh.


Ugh it's late and I'm tired. I'll pick up on this tomorrow. Am just frustrated and feel like getting this off my chest.

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Gay Gestapo :lmao::loser::Wendywhatever:


Damn right, we're going to force all you homophobes into a life of making turtle pr0n while chained to the walls of our basements. And of course the turtles are all underage minors. :HaHa:

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I'm not sure where I'm really want to take this rant, but this aspect has been on my mind a great deal this week since I've heard this very thing from some people in the work force. It bothers me cause when such things are said in casual conversation I would love to be able to express how I feel about such hateful sayings, but by doing so I wold then out myself, something I don't want to do at this time. So I remain silent. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Bleh.


I am so glad I live in a place where no one thinks twice about my sexual orientation. Even at work no one cares. I'm out as out can be and no one bats an eyelash. In fact, they've come to expect me to provide some amusing tales of my twisted life or things get too boring. Since I came out, several others have too. I hope someday you're able to make the leap. It's very liberating and takes untold stress off of you.

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Summary Of Right Wing Media Attacks On Gay Marriage


Basically what is said in the vid is the mirror image of what I hear all the time here in the South when someone gives their opinion about gay marriage and it always turns into how they think Group-X is disgusting, vile, afflicted animals... never once bringing any real material for an actual argument and at the same time rolls out every sort of lie known to man to paint nothing but red social herrings. It amazes me how easy it is for people like this to see people not as human beings but trash that should be discarded and burned. I'm not sure where I'm really want to take this rant, but this aspect has been on my mind a great deal this week since I've heard this very thing from some people in the work force. It bothers me cause when such things are said in casual conversation I would love to be able to express how I feel about such hateful sayings, but by doing so I wold then out myself, something I don't want to do at this time. So I remain silent. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Bleh.


Ugh it's late and I'm tired. I'll pick up on this tomorrow. Am just frustrated and feel like getting this off my chest.


Time for another reading of "What is the Monkeysphere?" by David Wong.

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