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Goodbye Jesus

Former Lurker

Guest Huck

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Guest Huck

I've been lurking for awhile and enjoying every minute of it. Turned on a friend to the board too, a former Jew. I don't know that I can claim I am an ex-christain though. I was made to go to church as a child and thought even at 7 or 8 years old how it all was bullshit. Fast foward to 1976 when I found myself working in a nest of born agains. That really reinforced my belief that Christains are nuts, not to mention hateful, rude and just plain mean. I may post some, I may not. I just enjoy reading what you fine people have to say.

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  • Super Moderator

Welcome, Huck.


If you or your friend get the urge to post, we'll be glad to hear from you.

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Guest Huck
Welcome, Huck.


If you or your friend get the urge to post, we'll be glad to hear from you.

Thanks, just a quick question. How do I edit to correct my spelling? LOL I don't see an edit button.

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Welcome Huck, (if that's even correct to say considering that you've been lurking already) :)


Edit shows up after 25 posts (IIRC). But Edit and Remove is still time-limited after that.

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Welcome, Huck! I was also a lurker before I joined. If you post, I'm sure we'll enjoy your contribution. If you don't, I hope you continue to enjoy the topics. Either way, it's nice to have you here!


Edited for terrible typing.

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Nothing wrong with lurking. I've been lurking off and on since 2003 or so.


Sometimes I choose to make myself known, and promptly kill the thread.

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Welcome, Huck. You don't have to be technically an ex-xian to hang around here... like, having been baptized and all. Just having been exposed enough to get the shivers or waves of nausea or to bust out laughing when remembering past experiences will qualify. :)

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Oh I've been over exposed! I think I'll fit in just fine here.


I think so too.

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