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Topless Women In Public

Neon Genesis

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One thing I don't understand is why is it ok for men to walk around in public topless but it's not ok for women to do it? People have no problems with men showing their nipples in public but for some reason it's just wrong for women to expose their breasts at all. I don't see what is it about women's breasts that make it anymore sexual than men's breasts. It's not like women never get off of staring at a man's chest. Even in Hollywood, it seems like women's breasts are held to double standards. Like men's nipples can be shown in kid's movies all the time but women can only ever show their breasts starting in PG13 movies and even then they might still cover up the nipples. I'm reminded of how it seemed like everyone in the U.S. complained about the whole Janet Jackson breast fiasco on TV while the rest of the world didn't see what the big deal was. In Japan, they show women's breasts frequently in children's anime and as far as I'm aware, there's no evidence Japanese kids are any worse off than American kids. The only reason why I can think of that we have this double standards regarding women's breasts is because our society has somehow come to this silent contract that there's somehow something about women's breasts that's more shameful to show in public than men's breasts and I don't understand why. What are your thoughts?

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It's just societal norms at this time in history. Ankles were once taboo. Breasts will eventually be set free as well.


FWIW, the girls at the beach by our apartment bathe topless. You can sit in the beer hut and take in the view all summer long.

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I agree, however doubtful you'd really want to see most women going topless. Kinda like how it really isn't pleasant seeing most guys who go topless. :eek:

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I agree, however doubtful you'd really want to see most women going topless. Kinda like how it really isn't pleasant seeing most guys who go topless. :eek:



Ya. Instead of letting women go naked ban men from going naked. Nothing like some old fat fart in a muscle shirt to spoil your Big Mac!

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It's a religious double standard. Breasts aren't seen as sexual in the African tribes--well, at least in the Bushman tribe.

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I agree, however doubtful you'd really want to see most women going topless. Kinda like how it really isn't pleasant seeing most guys who go topless. :eek:



Hugh Jackman.


Eye Candy.



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And that movie was exactly how I knew I'd never be gay. Hugh Jackman with his shirt off will never appeal to me, on any level.

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Ya. Instead of letting women go naked ban men from going naked. Nothing like some old fat fart in a muscle shirt to spoil your Big Mac!


LOL, my daughter is home from school today because she had a little fever. We're still moving today and we left to get another load shortly after I wrote that. She was with me in the moving truck and we passed by this shirtless old guy sitting at a picnic bench at the ice cream shop on the corner. "Ewww GROSS!" she says as we pass by, "Ugh! LOOK at the HAIR ON HIS BACK!"


"Just think, you could be married to a guy like that some day," I reply. If that doesn't ensure my nine year old will become a lesbian, I don't know what will :HaHa:

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This reminded me of something related that made me laugh my ass off. Anyone ever been to Disney World. They pride themselves as being multicultural. Well there was a woman on the ferry boat that was breast feeding a very young baby (maybe a couple of months old) and she was relatively covered up, but not fully. She was Brazilian if I had my guess ... I definitely heard Portuguese. Anyway, it didn't bother me and even my brothers (who are basically walking hardons) didn't comment on it ... obviously this wasn't the least bit sexually appealing. However, some loud-mouthed woman didn't like what was going on. She first tried to tell the breast-feeding mother that this wasn't appropriate to do in public in America (when she said America it was all slow and she emphasized every syllable ... like that was going to help the other woman understand). When the southern woman realized she wasn't getting through she walked off and returned with the nearest Disney worker in tow. The funny part is the woman is explaining the whole situation to the worker right over top of the other women who is trying to follow along with a completely blank look on her face. The Disney worker, looking more than perturbed, sad "Ma'am Disney World is a vacation destination for people from all over the world. We like to try to be accepting of other cultures. If you find it offensive, please feel free to take in the views from Walt Disney World's beautiful Seven Seas Lagoon."


I could barely contain my laughter ... I love how the Disney Cast Members always have the most polite ways of calling someone a moron.

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Incidently, taking issue with people with hairy backs/legs/arms/pits and/or large shapes and/or fatty tissue is also cultural and, I would argue, largely a product of consumer culture. Case in point: those who shave body parts purchase shaving cream, razors, wax, electrolosis sessions, etc. Those who don't, purchase nothing. The first target of shaving campaigns was women; men were not far behind.




I don't ever remember being taught that hair is gross and it's certainly not something I taught my nine year old. So I dunno. I agree about body shape though. I love women with curves. I wish mine were nicer. My metabolism has always been hyperactive, so I'm one of those tall twiggy looking things. :lmao:

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I'm a shaver. I used to buy specific shave products....No longer! My hair conditioner does double duty instead now, and is less drying that soap based shaving stuff that requires use of post shave cream (for sensitive areas).


I don't know how well using hair conditioner would work on a face. Hey Woodsmoke!! You started using conditioner for your lengthening tresses (per the thread in Off Topic)....care to do a little extra experimentation? :wicked:

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I'm a shaver. I used to buy specific shave products....No longer! My hair conditioner does double duty instead now, and is less drying that soap based shaving stuff that requires use of post shave cream (for sensitive areas).


I don't know how well using hair conditioner would work on a face. Hey Woodsmoke!! You started using conditioner for your lengthening tresses (per the thread in Off Topic)....care to do a little extra experimentation? :wicked:


I always shave in the shower. I usually use Dove or a similar soap and it works nicely for that. I never thought of conditioner :lmao: I'll have to try it.

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olive oil is fantastic, cheap, smells yummy, leaves skin smooth, doesn't irritate like all those smell-infused store bought things ... and not tested on animals ;)

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One thing I don't understand is why is it ok for men to walk around in public topless but it's not ok for women to do it?

That's an easy one: Cause men don't have boobies!

I don't see what is it about women's breasts that make it anymore sexual than men's breasts.

I am sure that roughly 99% of men do see that

there's somehow something about women's breasts that's more shameful

Well,there' definetely something more disturbing. I mean,come on,don't you want to suck a woman breast,when you see one? ;)

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That's an easy one: Cause man don't have boobies!


Wanna bet?



Ah,that's disgusting! Well,I think,that they should cover them too (cause it's a fucking abomination) .
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There are several places in the US where it is legal for a woman to expose her breasts. For example, there is no state law in Texas that prohibits it, altho local jurisdictions (such as cities and towns) are allowed to pass their own laws against it. I believe that women also have the right to be topless in the state of New York at any place that a man may be topless.


I think women should exercise these rights more often and help make it less of a spectacle. The more people see this behavior the more acceptable it will become.

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Hugh Jackman.


Eye Candy.







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I think women should exercise these rights more often and help make it less of a spectacle. The more people see this behavior the more acceptable it will become.


Yes, here in NY you can go topless. However you won't find this woman exercising that right anytime soon.

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This reminded me of something related that made me laugh my ass off. Anyone ever been to Disney World. They pride themselves as being multicultural. Well there was a woman on the ferry boat that was breast feeding a very young baby (maybe a couple of months old) and she was relatively covered up, but not fully. She was Brazilian if I had my guess ... I definitely heard Portuguese. Anyway, it didn't bother me and even my brothers (who are basically walking hardons) didn't comment on it ... obviously this wasn't the least bit sexually appealing. However, some loud-mouthed woman didn't like what was going on. She first tried to tell the breast-feeding mother that this wasn't appropriate to do in public in America (when she said America it was all slow and she emphasized every syllable ... like that was going to help the other woman understand).
I have to confess I used to be one of those people who thought breast feeding in public was inappropriate when I was still a xtian. One time at church we had a visitor there and she just randomly started breast feeding her baby in the middle of service and we were sitting in the row behind her. I remember feeling uncomfortable and I just tried to ignore it. I remember wondering why the lady didn't just go to the nursery and thought that would have been more appropiate. Now that I think about it more, I wonder why I felt that way about it and what was so wrong about it. The more I thought about it the more I thought there's no reason to get worked up about it. I was kind of surprised that nobody at church ever said anything to her when she did that but I feel ashamed I used to think like that.
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Its an American thing appearantly.

Here in Canada we dont have this issue.

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Womens breasts are erogenous areas, stimulation is usually a part of foreplay and the hardening nipples is often a sign of arousal. This is generally not the case with guys.

Personally I think its about curves. Women in African tribes are generally flat chested, droopy breasted and are not really considered attractively chested. Busty, curvy tribes women might find people constantly talk to their chest too...


I also dread the day that it becomes legal, the number of car crashes... :smile:

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This thread reminded me of a beer commercial. In the commercial, two American guys are on a beach and a pretty girl in a bikini goes into the water. The guys watch her and one guy says longingly to the other: "You know in Europe women go topless." Then cut to a similar scene on a European beach with two guys and a fat, older woman with no bikini top goes into the water. The guys visibly shudder and one guy longingly says: "You know in America they make women wear tops."


I loved that commercial...


But seriously the fact is biology is unfair in this respect. Women's breasts are sexualized, men's are not.

Breastfeeding may be natural but somehow I don't think the same excuse would work for taking a leak or a dump in public.

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I wanna see boobies! :HaHa:

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