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Goodbye Jesus

I Was So Happy Today


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Today was my day off from work, after playing some video games for while, I decided to head to our park nearby, there was no one at the park except me,

it was cloudy with rain coming in off and on, I sat under a walkway on a bench ,


I was thinking about my life and just life in general, about my future, my past, how am going to judge myself and choose what to value in my life and how to maintain a positive perception of my life,

and I just sorta sat there and watched the rain slowly coming down, just watching the beauty of my surroundings and just felt so happy and peaceful,


I sat there just thinking about living as a atheist for a few minutes as I watched the rain, I felt like for the first time in my life that my inner beliefs were united and that I was one of one belief,

no more conflict of doubts about my former faith, worrying over simple transgressions such as even having wrong thoughts that my former faith would justify as sin, not worrying about battling my human self that conflicts with religions,


just being myself, defining myself and choosing to be happy and content, realizing that it does not matter what anyone else's beliefs are in relation to my mine, because my beliefs are my beliefs and this is my life, I know some believe am on the path to some eternal fire, but that's there beliefs and its not mine anymore, so am not going to waste my time worrying about it, and just focus on living my life and being happy and doing whatever I happen to value and fulfil those values and to keep having a positive outlook on my life,


looking back on my life now, it seems as if religion is just not meant for me, most of my religious life was a battle of trying to live by its standards that would make me miserable in the end and always in conflict with my deepest self,

since the little time I have now been separate from religion, I have started discovering who I really am on the inside and how much my life is truly in my hands,

this kind of is the beauty of life, learning who we are and discovering how beautiful this world

is, and what makes me so happy is to know that my happiness is my choice and its so much fun choosing to be happy,

I just wanted to share these thoughts I had today after visiting the park, because since I left my church am still trying to make new friends and I really just wanted to share my joy today with someone,


take care.

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Good for you. :)

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I'm very happy for you!

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What a beautifully written and moving statement, Arctic. It makes me feel better just having read it.


I hope there will soon be others close to you to share such moments personally.

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That is really good to read! Thanks for sharing it, and keep seeking those moments of peace.

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I am happy today too. I've had my first kiss ever and felt peace that surpases all understanding. :)

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Arctic, I've read this post several times and it makes me smile every time. I have also been feeling very peaceful about my life and relieved to know that it is totally in my hands. Thank you for the beautiful reminder!!!


I am happy today too. I've had my first kiss ever and felt peace that surpases all understanding. :)


This also made me smile! I am happy for you Raul!

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Very uplifting post. Thanks for sharing.

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I enjoyed this, thank you! :D

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Today was my day off from work, after playing some video games for while, I decided to head to our park nearby, there was no one at the park

just being myself, defining myself and choosing to be happy and content, realizing that it does not matter what anyone else's beliefs are in relation to my mine, because my beliefs are my beliefs and this is my life, I know some believe am on the path to some eternal fire, but that's there beliefs and its not mine anymore, so am not going to waste my time worrying about it, and just focus on living my life and being happy and doing whatever I happen to value and fulfil those values and to keep having a positive outlook on my life,


Congratulations Artic, you just described a great place to be in your life. I don’t know how old you are, but it took me until my mid-30s to reach this place. I am getting close to 50 years old now and with each passing year the feeling you described has stayed and matured along with me. Summer is coming here in New England and I look forward to the time I can spend outside. Sometimes I just enjoy sitting in the grass on a nice warm day with my eyes closed. I can imagine how connected I am to all the life around me and with all the life smeared on the surface of this little ball floating in space. This is my home, I belong here, this is my opportunity to experience life, I will live it to the fullest.


Thank you for the wonderful post Arctic.



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Thank you, Arctic. It's so nice to read about success and happiness! Your post was very warming.

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