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Ot: How Do I Come Across?


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I'm wondering this morning how I seem to come across to everyone here, and people in general. Typed words can often be misunderstood, esp since I have a habit of neglecting to use emoticons. ;)


But in the real world, I'm often misunderstood as well. I tend to be an emotional person, not in the sense that I will run to a corner and cry if you've hurt me, but in the sense that I have strong, deep emotions. If I have a conversation that interests me, I start to get animated, and sometimes people think I'm getting angry when I really am not. I get angry, of course, but Im not an angry person. I'm much more just plain melancholy and depressed in general.


I also tend to think very fast, and I know I speak (and type) things that I later need to elaborate on or try and "fix" because I neglected to word it properly or something.


I guess I'm just feeling insecure this morning, and looking for some sort of feedback...keep in mind I'm talking more about the general population here. I'm well aware that I come across harsh to xtians. I need to be and I think most deserve the harsh treatment.


Go ahead and tell me the truth, like I said, I won't go cry in the corner! :)

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I think you're totally okay. Nothing stands out to me, and no one has complained.

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Yer O-fuckin-K on this end of keyboard..



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I think you're fine, Marty. I've seen a few times when others misunderstood your posts, but I don't think I ever have. I could be wrong; I might have misunderstood something and not been aware that I didn't understand, but I don't think so. I (usually) tend to read carefully. I've noticed that sometimes some people have a reading approach which kind of matches what you said about your writing and speaking style. When the two are put together, it's not too surprising if some confusion results. But here's what I think the important thing is about the way you communicate; You're willing to clarify, to keep trying and to self-examine. I've seen a good number of times when you had some misunderstanding with some other person and you were willing to take the responsibility for checking yourself and making corrections. To me, that's a deeply important and very honorable sign of adulthood, courage, wisdom and good citizenship.


That's communications. Our emotional life is another matter. One of the things I've had to contend with in my own life is that I can start out with some genuinely adult self-examination and find that somewhere along the line, without my noticing any obvious transition from one to the other, I've wound up in the territory of infantile and masturbatory emotionalistic wallowing in All The Things That Are Wrong With Me. The biggest problem I have with it is the gradual subtlety (usually) of the transition. I often don't notice moving from one to the other. It's a lot like driving through some densely urban city into a densely urbanized suburb region. I just suddenly realize, "Hey, I'm not in the city proper any more. When did that happen?"


I don't think you need to use emoticons to clarify things, but just to cover all the bases, here are some emoticons. :lonely::party::crucified::beer::begood::wub::3some::Old:


Have I achieved clarity yet? :wave: I just feel so damn lucid when I use emoticons! If Plato had had emoticons, he would have been able to really reach people and wouldn't have that reputation he's got for being such a hack. :HaHa:



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Hey Marty, you are OK by me :)

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You don't stand out in my mind, Marty, so that must mean you are doing something wrong. LOL

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Let's see you posted over 735 times since 2006. And occasionally people misunderstand you and you have to explain yourself. I'd say that's normal for anybody.


Nothing I've read from you stands out as outlandishly harsh, or inappropriate.


I think a lot of people, myself included, feel insecure about how they come across to people in various social situations. For me, it's because I'm already a loner who is no longer satisfied with being a loner. For others, there may be other reasons.


But there is no reason to think your posts are over the top.

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Thanks everyone, I had a kinda rough day yesterday. Don't know why, but I just woke up sad, and as the day progressed I got more and more self loathing than I was at the time I wrote that post. I was almost afraid to open the post this morning for fear of what I may find! :)


But by the end of the day a lot had changed. The show I'm doing is closing today, and the cast had gotten together and gotten me a Best Buy gift certificate and a really nice card they all signed and said some great things about me. I really, really needed that yesterday and they did it! It's a great group of people and I'm gonna be sad to see them leave. No cast had ever done that for me before, it shocked me, really. The only "bad" thing is they (17 people) kinda grouped together to give it to me, and when I hold the attention of a group of people I tend to want to slink away into a corner. I get a claustrophobic kind of feeling. But it didn't last long...:)

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Thanks everyone, I had a kinda rough day yesterday. Don't know why, but I just woke up sad, and as the day progressed I got more and more self loathing than I was at the time I wrote that post. I was almost afraid to open the post this morning for fear of what I may find! :)


But by the end of the day a lot had changed. The show I'm doing is closing today, and the cast had gotten together and gotten me a Best Buy gift certificate and a really nice card they all signed and said some great things about me. I really, really needed that yesterday and they did it! It's a great group of people and I'm gonna be sad to see them leave. No cast had ever done that for me before, it shocked me, really. The only "bad" thing is they (17 people) kinda grouped together to give it to me, and when I hold the attention of a group of people I tend to want to slink away into a corner. I get a claustrophobic kind of feeling. But it didn't last long...:)



Sounds like you had a moment most people would envy you for. Good for you and file it in the back of your mind as a truly great memory.

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