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‘We did not know that child abuse was a crime,’ says retired Catholic archbishop


GIVE ME A BREAK! Even my 20 y.o. could not believe that statement either.


Oh here's another interesting one:


CofE accused of care cover up


CofE = Church of England


And these people wonder why they have empty pews and their numbers of attendees are diminishing. What are they? Stupid? These churches abuse so many people in so many different ways and they can't see where they did wrong, yet cover it up to hide what they did. They are so despicable! :angry:

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Ignorance of the law is no excuse. I believe I learned that before I was 10. Anyway, anyone that would want to attend organizations run by people like this --I don't understand why. Seems like a vast criminal network designed solely for power and control of people. Its cruelties are historically very well documented.


I must drive by a Catholic Church almost every day. There is a large sign out front that shows a fetus. They are real big on life for unborn people but after they are born they don't care if they are abused. Sounds SICK to me. It kind of makes me sick to look at the place.

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Those damn atheists must be confusing Weakland about the law!

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Ignorance of the law is no excuse. I believe I learned that before I was 10.

Yup. Even as a Christian, this bothered me endlessly. Particularly when it's such a matter of core Christian doctrine in justifying eternal damnation for literally any transgression, no matter how small. The intellectual and psychological internal compartmentalization of both Christian individuals and institutions in matters of ethics and morality is taken to a mind-bogglingly pathological degree. This is exactly one of the main issues which drove me from the cult. Increasingly, as a Christian I'd look around at the undeniable inability and unwillingness to even make an attempt to achieve substantive moral consistency and say, "Holy Spirit??? This is the best the Holy Spirit of God Almighty can accomplish in the Body of Christ??? That's fucking pathetic. I've been lied to!"


I find it sadly amusing to read what you wrote about understanding that ignorance of the law is no excuse by the time you were ten. When I was going through the above phase of my deconversion, I don't know how many times I looked at Christian individuals, the "Body of Christ" as a whole and particularly, twenty centuries of so-called theological scholars and thought to myself in disgust (as a Christian, mind you), "An average intelligence ten-year-old could do better than that without God." And they do. All the time.


I must drive by a Catholic Church almost every day. There is a large sign out front that shows a fetus. They are real big on life for unborn people but after they are born they don't care if they are abused. Sounds SICK to me. It kind of makes me sick to look at the place.

Compartmentalization. They've taken Paul's admonition to not let their left hand know what their right hand is doing to a morally insane degree.

Well. As long as they've got their little get out of jail free card, they can pretty much ignore the rest, right?

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That's like the old Steve Martin routine: "I'm sorry your honor, I didn't know that robbing a bank was against the law."


The only thing more ridiculous than these priests are all those parishioners who know this stuff yet still wet themselves whenever the pope comes to town.

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Those damn atheists must be confusing Weakland about the law!


But of course. They can slam babies against stones and God takes pleasure in it. That is just as sick too.

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"Ignorance of the law is no excuse," can actually be an excuse because there are some crazy laws out there that only those who are familiar with them know them. I don't remember if it is Alabama or Tennessee that has a law stating that it is illegal to bathe less than once a year. But child abuse, or any kind of abuse, should be pretty well known to be against the law.

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I agree. It should be known. I don't know how anyone could not know.

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Such a sick and twisted mind..... (of the priest, I mean).

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Look. Like it or not there are NO morals without bible god. Got that? These are the things bible god likes and so who are we to disagree? Damn heathens.



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If he admits that he didn't know child abuse is a crime, then is he admitting the bible never condemns child molestation? But isn't the bible supposed to be the good news and all that stuff?

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Look. Like it or not there are NO morals without bible god. Got that? These are the things bible god likes and so who are we to disagree? Damn heathens.




:lol: I'm glad you're joking, otherwise I would not be laughing.

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That's right...I'm...joking. :unsure:



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Look. Like it or not there are NO morals without bible god. Got that? These are the things bible god likes and so who are we to disagree? Damn heathens.




How many ways are there to spell "horseshit." :HaHa:

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I spent a day out with a Catholic girl once. She told me which church she went to in my area, so when we had parted I looked it up on the internet, and hey presto, the previous priest had been a child molester before leaving the church. I think the abuse in the Catholic church is endemic and widespread. Most of the time the clergy get away with it.

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