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Goodbye Jesus

The Greatest Of Evils? Really?


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This dude is really mixed up in the head.


"The greatest of evils"


Really? IF atheism is so bad, then why do we hear so much about priest raping and molesting little children? That seems to me the greatest "evil". What a boob!


New Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Nichols attacks secularists


In his installation service as the new leader of Catholics in England and Wales, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols called for a greater respect of religious belief.


He said that attempts to marginalise faith must not be allowed to succeed if the country is to overcome its problems of social cohesion.


Oh I think you all are doing a good job of that yourselves. Dawkins didn't do much except espouse atheism and called religion superstition, irrational, and oh made a movie called "The Root of All Evil?" So um... yeah... :Wendywhatever:

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Isn't it a common religious and political strategy that when everything is spinning out of control for you, just blame the atheists?


He is probably coming to realize how irrelevant his religion is to the real issues of the world. Nobody looks at his vestments with awe or respect anymore. His position no longer lends him any credibility. It can't be his religion's fault! It must be those damn atheists!


He's losing and he's snapping back at 'lack of faith' rather than the irrelevance of his faith.

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When the Priest sin, the atheist is to blame.


When a natural catastrophe arrives, then it's the homosexuals fault.


When the world goes into religious terrorism and wars in the name of God, it's the unbeliever who caused it.


How come it's never the religious or God who are the ones responsible for their own actions?

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Because they can't accept responsibility for their actions.

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Because they can't accept responsibility for their actions.

Exactly. And in the few cases they do realize it's their fault (they got caught), they ask God for forgiveness, and then they think they don't own the responsibility anymore. (And thinking about coming-out of Ted Haggard, and similar situations)


Being Christian is a cop-out for owning up to who you are.

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Because they can't accept responsibility for their actions.

Exactly. And in the few cases they do realize it's their fault (they got caught), they ask God for forgiveness, and then they think they don't own the responsibility anymore. (And thinking about coming-out of Ted Haggard, and similar situations)


Being Christian is a cop-out for owning up to who you are.


I agree. It makes me wonder about all those people in prisons who "turn to Jesus".

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Because they can't accept responsibility for their actions.

Exactly. And in the few cases they do realize it's their fault (they got caught), they ask God for forgiveness, and then they think they don't own the responsibility anymore. (And thinking about coming-out of Ted Haggard, and similar situations)


Being Christian is a cop-out for owning up to who you are.


Yup, devil tempted them and they fell. God washed it away and paid the price so fuck the poor sap who got hurt in the process.

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