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Goodbye Jesus

Crazy Jehovahs Witnesses


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So I am reading the paper and there is an article on the annual big Jehovah's Witness convention in town. Can't this paper find something better to report on than this baloney:


The fighting against nations, we're seeing more earthquakes, you can look at the swine flu, all this, and it just points to the things that shows we are getting very close to what we feel is the end," Ferris said. Going door-to-door with Bibles and informational packets has become a trademark for the Witnesses', and Ferris said there's a reason recruiting is such a major part of their religion.


"While we don't relish the thought of destruction that's going to take place, that's why we feel so strongly about door-to-door work and warning people," Ferris said. "If you knew a hurricane was coming, and you were the only one and you didn't tell anybody, it would be on your shoulders."


So their evangelism is based purely upon guilt. Face the facts people, that's all it is!


And don't tell me that they don't also secretly relish the idea of all us unbelievers frying.



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Guest Net Eng
And don't tell me that they don't also secretly relish the idea of all us unbelievers frying.




Your link had issues. Here's the article in question.


Full Link


May I quote REM for this one


It's the end of the world as we know it.

It's the end of the world as we know it.

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

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They believe the more they push that crap the more chance there is they will be one of the 144,000 who get to go to heaven.


The rest, apparently, who didn't try hard enough to spread the message, only get to live on a paradise earth.

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If I knew a hurricane was coming and I was the only one privy to that information, I would doubt my source and my sanity before I ran off proving the point. That’s just me.

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"While we don't relish the thought of destruction that's going to take place...


Bullshit, they masturbate to the idea.

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They believe the more they push that crap the more chance there is they will be one of the 144,000 who get to go to heaven.


The rest, apparently, who didn't try hard enough to spread the message, only get to live on a paradise earth.


If 14,000 are already in Heaven does this mean any time a new believer enters another has to be tossed out of Heaven to make room for the new comer?


I had two elders at my door once and one started in on the End Times bullshit. He said "current signs point that the end is near." I asked him to tell me what proofs and all he could say was "they are mentioned in the bible." That's all he said. I asked him what he though of the Cold War and said if there were a time to really be worried about the end coming it was during that era when the world was on the edge of it's seat as both Russia and America stared at one another just waiting for the other to push the big red button to blast us back to the Flintstones. The guy didn't have anything to fire back with when I said that. The track he tried to give me was a hoot. Had a "Buddy Jesus" type time on the front that read in big bold letters "FOLLOW THE JESUS!" Inside it had a illustration of Rome on fire. People running around in panic, guards killing people in the streets (one had a guard holding a woman's hair sliting her neck as she struggles to get away), children lay dying and bleeding on steps, firery meteors falling from the sky. Can't help but think of the poor bastard who drew this for the pamplet. And on it was all about how what being shown was going to happen and how wonderful it would be to see sinners and doubters be destroyed. :lmao:

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They believe the more they push that crap the more chance there is they will be one of the 144,000 who get to go to heaven.


The rest, apparently, who didn't try hard enough to spread the message, only get to live on a paradise earth.


If 14,000 are already in Heaven does this mean any time a new believer enters another has to be tossed out of Heaven to make room for the new comer?


I'm not sure, maybe they don't know and that's why they try so hard to be annoying because persecution and rejection and getting doors slammed in their faces is like getting a MULTIBALLLLL!!!! in terms of religious brownie points. More points means better chance of being the "chosen!"


The track he tried to give me was a hoot. Had a "Buddy Jesus" type time on the front that read in big bold letters "FOLLOW THE JESUS!" Inside it had a illustration of Rome on fire. People running around in panic, guards killing people in the streets (one had a guard holding a woman's hair sliting her neck as she struggles to get away), children lay dying and bleeding on steps, firery meteors falling from the sky. Can't help but think of the poor bastard who drew this for the pamplet. And on it was all about how what being shown was going to happen and how wonderful it would be to see sinners and doubters be destroyed. :lmao:


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Dig look on JW's face when opening my door, I'm nekkid, there is an evil black belt fed machinegun disassembled on the floor, ammo and shootin' stuff all over, and the three friends that went shootin' stayed over for "post range activities".


Gunsmoke smell, sex, and all kinds of skin, along with the Rotties and Notties wantin' some door knockers hide..


Send those dumbasses my way Deva, my locals are plumb afraid of this address. Need new bait! ;)



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