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Goodbye Jesus

Christian God Couldn't Blow A Feather Off Of A Pillow!


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I'm so sick of hearing from these freaks about how much power they have available to them. Grow up! Your god is a delusion and you are a sucker for believing the delusion. The best part, you search and search for some proof to change people like me. You so desperately want to prove to me that you’re not delusional.


As I've said, your god couldn't blow a feather off of a pillow. Your god doesn't answer your prayers because he isn't there idiot. It's that simple. Want to prove me wrong? Sure you do, because you’re delusional and you’re hyperventilating just reading this. Here's your chance. Why don't all of you pray for something specific, so the rest of us know that it WAS your god that provided the "miracle". How about something impossible like growing back all of the amputated limbs from our brave soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan? Surely that's a noble enough cause for your pretend god.

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Why don't all of you pray for something specific, so the rest of us know that it WAS your god that provided the "miracle". How about something impossible like growing back all of the amputated limbs from our brave soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan?

That's the miracle I insist on too. A full-fledged, on-the-spot spontaneous reappearance of a previously amputated leg is the kind of miracle I could sink my teeth in. Or, show me a "plane in the process of crashing stops two feet from the ground until everyone can get off and clear the area" miracle.


I'm tired of the "Aunt Pearl is feeling better" miracles, or the "airliner crashes and one person out of 178 survives (with severe burns)" miracles.

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Phanta - You're such a tease...:)

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Let us see God himself sign in and create an account - the "no more miracles" old fasioned one wouldnt but the pentecost one would.


I want the organ grinder not his monkeys!

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What's the old saying ? "The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike".



I once knew a lady who was into that "A Course In Miracles" thing. Although a somewhat well-educated and smart woman, she had an "answer" for all of my challenges about the distinct lack of miracles in modern times; the amputation thing, and the fact that these days it seems the more helpless societies of the world get hit with the greatest tragedies. It seems that this movement has a rationalization for everything, including the idea that God would punish a thousand innocent people just to punish one "transgressor" he didn't like. She even had been brainwashed into believing that God had allowed Hitler to wreak havoc throughout WWII in order to demonstrate God's unhappiness with our sins. I told her that this kind of thinking isn't actually theologically sound; nor is it justice.


Then, of course, comes the shrug. "I know that people like you have trouble accepting certain things," she would say.



Wow. Makes you want to just scream.

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I've noticed that they teach children the miracle stories (Noah's Arc, Jesus Walks on Water, Jonah and the Whale, Water to Wine, Healing the Blind etc..) on Sunday, but you don't hear to many miracle stories during the adult services. They intentionally stay away from the miracles during the adult services because they don't want to draw attention to the absurdity of it all. Those of you still attending church, for whatever reason (your spouse drags you there or whatever), if you want to stir up trouble ( I know I do) start asking the pastoral staff why they don’t preach on these.

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Let us see God himself sign in and create an account - the "no more miracles" old fasioned one wouldnt but the pentecost one would.


I want the organ grinder not his monkeys!


Oh, my child- ye of little faith. How it saddens me that you do not believe that either the old fashioned me nor the pentecostal me would have the cojones to register an account on a site dedicated to disproving me... Both are me- I am, one in the same.


Also- I invented organs, grinders and monkeys. They are my creation and I love them.


How's this for proof?

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Guest JesusChrist
Let us see God himself sign in and create an account - the "no more miracles" old fasioned one wouldnt but the pentecost one would.


I want the organ grinder not his monkeys!


Oh, my child- ye of little faith. How it saddens me that you do not believe that either the old fashioned me nor the pentecostal me would have the cojones to register an account on a site dedicated to disproving me... Both are me- I am, one in the same.


Also- I invented organs, grinders and monkeys. They are my creation and I love them.


How's this for proof?


Come on, Dad, they won't believe you- they're sinners. There's no point in trying to save these people. They believe some magical pasta deity will save them from themselves. Oh man are they mistaken.


Speaking of pasta, I'm starving.

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Holy fucking shit!!! :eek: God and his bastard son are amongst us!!!


Oh shit, guys. I'm sorry about this whole deconversion thing. No really, I didn't mean it! I was just confused for a little bit. Cut me a break, yeah? I really do wants to go to hebbin' after all!!!!!


:notworthy::notworthy: :notworthy:

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I once thought I heard God fart. When I investigated, it was just some asshole fundie ranting. ;)

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Let me put it this way, if God was a truck, well if he was on the downhill side of a very steep slope and had a following wind, he might just pull the skin off a boarding house pudding.


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'Real Cowboys' are usually uneducated driveling idiots.

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Hey 'Real Cowboy' does this sound like Genesis to you?


3.4 Billion Years Ago Single-Celled Life ( Fossil Record )

2.4 Billion Years Ago Oxygen was released from the seas as a byproduct of photosynthesis by cyanobacteria (Single-Celled Life).

800 Million Years Ago Oxygen levels reached about 21 percent and began to breathe life into more complex organisms.

600 Million Years Ago Multicelled Soft-Bodied Life

580 Million Years Ago Fish

405 Million Years Ago Amphibians

310 Million Years Ago Reptiles

210 Million Years Ago Mammals

40 Million Years Ago Apes

3.5 to 4 Mill. Yrs Ago Australopithecus

2.5 - 1.6 Mill.Yrs Ago Homo habilis

1.6 Mill - 500,000 Yrs Ago Homo erectus - Recently a Homo erectus lower jaw has been found in Georgia and said to be 1.6 million years ago.

500,000 to 275,000 Years Ago Homo sapiens

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I'm tired of the "Aunt Pearl is feeling better" miracles, or the "airliner crashes and one person out of 178 survives (with severe burns)" miracles.


I had this little pentecostal guy from Mexico (his church members think he is extra spiritual or because he has a foreign accent)

offer to pray my migraine headache away several days ago.


He said he keeps a "case book" of miracle prayer healings. Miracle healing? The migraine comes and goes in a predictable pattern. If he asked me 30 min. later if it was gone, he would start shouting to the ceiling and scribbling in his "case book." You can't prove a mircacle healing that way. Why the hell do I get migraines in the first place?


The real miracle would be if these folks could come up with a real reason why their all-powerful deity lets little children and other innocents get sick or suffer in the first place.


What a disgusting sham!

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Greetings "God"


In an effort to help the users of this website easily differentiate between authentic false imposters and the Authentic Jehovah (t.m.), we have instituted a security check policy. Merely submit the 12-digit code representing next week's winning Powerball numbers and after verification you will be authorized to preach the Gospel Truth (t.m.) Please be advised that this does not constitute a "test" of your divine powers, as this has been the subject of many legitimate prayer requests by numerous individuals for several decades.We thank you for complying with our policy...


The Management Team


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What's the old saying ? "The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike".



I once knew a lady who was into that "A Course In Miracles" thing. Although a somewhat well-educated and smart woman, she had an "answer" for all of my challenges about the distinct lack of miracles in modern times; the amputation thing, and the fact that these days it seems the more helpless societies of the world get hit with the greatest tragedies. It seems that this movement has a rationalization for everything, including the idea that God would punish a thousand innocent people just to punish one "transgressor" he didn't like. She even had been brainwashed into believing that God had allowed Hitler to wreak havoc throughout WWII in order to demonstrate God's unhappiness with our sins. I told her that this kind of thinking isn't actually theologically sound; nor is it justice.


Then, of course, comes the shrug. "I know that people like you have trouble accepting certain things," she would say.



Wow. Makes you want to just scream.


My reply; Why would you even think that the suffering of innocent people shows love? If anything, it shows that your god is a sadistic person and that's someone I don't think I would want my children to believe in.


Meh, maybe that's not good enough? I can't think straight today. :(

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