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Goodbye Jesus

Google Earth


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Google has recently released software that lets you zoom in from a satellite view several miles up down to a view of a few feet across anywhere in the world. I zoomed in on my house starting from a view of the entire western hemisphere!


You can get it for free HERE, altho it doesn't yet run on all types of computers or operating systems.


A little Big Brotherish, but still cool. Here's my house as seen from outerspace...



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Goodbye Jesus

Incidentally, if any of you are worried about people monitoring your property to see if you're not home, rest assured that the imaging on Google Earth is comprised of still images and can be anywhere from two to five years old.


For example, there's a fairly new building close to where my mother works, but when we looked for it on Google Earth, the image shown was of pre-construction.

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Incidentally, if any of you are worried about people monitoring your property to see if you're not home, rest assured that the imaging on Google Earth is comprised of still images and can be anywhere from two to five years old.


For example, there's a fairly new building close to where my mother works, but when we looked for it on Google Earth, the image shown was of pre-construction.


Another reason to hate Windows ME! It does not support this satellite program. :vent:

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Is that blob in the driveway you flipping the bird?

Yes. :wicked:








Actually, that's our garbage dumpster.

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TerraServer has a lot too. You can also look up the satellite companies and check their websites. Sometimes they have better pictures. But Google is fun to explore around with. :grin:
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Google Earth is interesting and fun to play around with. Some cities don't have much more than a city-wide offering such as my city of Victoria, Texas.

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Oh, and /. reported a few weeks ago that while GMaps has (mostly) fairly recent pictures, MSN Earth is using pictures so old in some areas that Apple HQ is entirely missing from their service.

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Here's a glorious image of our duplex in Anchorage, AK taken long before we moved into it:




We live in the duplex across the street from the big yellow house.

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ok here is Jester & IvyFairy's current place...


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i had quite a bit of fun looking around in places like South Korea and Russia. There are quite a few really interesting sights to be seen.

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Mine is the white house on the bottom right.


We own two acres of some of the best misquote producing swamp in New Hampshire!


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There's a similar program, NASA Worldwind that does the same thing, but with more types of data available.

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This is the house in which I grew up.


I'm thinking about subscribing to the software- if you pay, you can use it with a GPS receiver.


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This is the house in which I grew up.


I'm thinking about subscribing to the software- if you pay, you can use it with a GPS receiver.


I think it only goes one way... you can't program the GPS receiver or make maps... you can only send your waypoints and POIs from the GPS to the program and see it on Google Earth.

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In addition to the basic features, Google Earth Plus includes:


GPS data import - read in tracks and waypoints from select GPS devices


Note 1: Verified support for Magellan and Garmin devices only


Note 2: Does not support export of tracks or waypoints to a GPS


Higher resolution printing (greater than screen resolution).

Customer support via email (not just web).

Annotation – adds draw/sketch tools for richer annotations (can be shared as KML).

Data importer – read address points from .csv files.

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it is the work of the devil I tell you. Trying to get your computer to replace god! :P


Nah, fun toy, definately. If only I could install a lazer and zap some of those wacky fundy preachers from space!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Google Finds Roman Villa


An Italian computer programmer was browsing the area around his town using the satellite images available through "Google Earth." He noticed a large oval area with some unusual rectangular shadows next to it. Suspecting that these may be buried structures next to an ancient river, he contacted the National Archeology Museum of Parma. The archeologists dispatched to the site found ceramic and stone pieces dating from around the first century BC.



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  • 1 month later...

Wow Iraq looks like even more of a shithole on this map that it does on TV.

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