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Goodbye Jesus

My Five Gods


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Even though I'm technically an atheist (I don't believe gods literally exist) I've come to realise that human psychology needs religion.


Prayer can be a useful way of training your brain to accept the way things are and make your peace with things. That is, if used wisely - praying for what's best not for what you want. And it's easier to do than meditation.


Also, although it is important to keep a level head and remember always to be grounded in facts and aware of the limits of our knowledge (only science can tell us what is real and what's not) - literal facts can only take you so far. Human beings also have a need to navigate our way through the world by telling ourselves stories (this is what fiction does - but myth can do it too) - and we also have a romantic need to use poetry and symbolism as a way of understanding the world (for good or ill).


So I've made my peace with my religious motivations - and decided to embrace my pagan tendencies. I know it's nonsense on one level - but I also know how important it can be to honour and respect an important symbol that means something significant and life changing. I can also have fun with it a little. knowing it's not real, I can pick and choose whatever gods I like. In a weird kind of way this is really liberating and fun!


So I have decided that I have five gods:


1. Shiva. This is the big guy. Shiva is the all of everything and a very powerful symbol that I appreciate a lot. He is Creator and Destroyer, Light and Shade, Erotic and Ascetic (and even in one form Male and Female). As such Shiva is the all of everything - and he reminds us that everything is cyclical and that even bad things can have good results (and good things bad results). All things are necessary (or can be) and so all things are one (or part of the same process)


2. Cernnunnos. The celtic antlered god. Because I like nature - and this is perhaps one of the oldest gods that people have worshipped.


3. Nephythys. the Egyptian goddess that was married to Set but slept with Osiris and gave birth to Anubis. she represents sorrow, death and the moon. and I like my women with a bit of a dark edge ;)


4. Thoth. The god of learning and knowledge. It's pretty obvious why I like him. He also represents the Moon by the way. I like the moon. It's beautiful.


5. Anubis. the jackal headed god of death, who leads souls into the afterlife. Load of nonsense obviously. But I've always had a tendency to engage in some very deep philosophical thinking at funerals and I used to like sitting and thinking in graveyards when I was young. And I dunno - I've always liked Anubis for some reason.

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Congratulations on coming to balance between your rational and spiritual self. I'm mostly come into my own as well, though I'm not sure what form it will ultimately take. Whatever it is, it is with 'eyes wide open' and anything but 'delusional'. This is something I've recognized for quite some time now and have been working out an understanding of a synthesis between "reason and faith'. What I see really is that 'faith' is a choice for the value of it, not because it is about 'facts on the ground'. It's more about 'truths in the heart'. I'm happy for you.


BTW, nice to see you chose to worship Cernunnos.





And all this time I was here for you to worship and you knew not my secret name... ;)

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Guest TheWendybird

I worship Pan, Selene and Iris. I go with what feels right..for some reason it seems to be mostly Greek Pantheon...tho I think I've been taking a liking to Anubis myself.

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