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Goodbye Jesus

Combatting Anxiety

Tabula Rasa

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Dear folks,

It's stating the obvious that times are bad. The economy is shot to hell, govt seems like no help whatsoever and it looks like they're trying to take away more freedoms, everyday, trouble all over the world, trouble in Iran, North Korea rattling the saber at the world, etc.


So what I'm getting at, is with how lousy the world is, how do you folks maintain hope and not give into despair?

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This might not actually be hopeful, but I just figure that something has to give. Probably economy will continue to suck and we will have to deal with it. Probably there will be a lot of people being killed in a stupid pointless war; we can just hope that afterwards we learn something from it. The environment is probably going to keep getting weirder, species will likely die and the ocean levels will likely rise. But its not like the planet hasn't faced enormous changes before. Its not like humanity hasn't gotten over disease outbreaks, really pointless violent wars and natural disasters before. Thats the real hope: history has shown that the strongest features survive, that both the earth and humanity has overcome immense challenges. Most religions state that the world will be destroyed by God. That is a future without hope. Christians around the world want the world to end - that is utterly mad for one, but purely repugnant as well. As a species we are a hardier bunch than we realize. A lot of people might die, but those that live will be stronger (and hopefully a bit smarter) for it.


Plus, worrying about abstracts like the economy or bad things happening all over the world is unnecessary when you cannot do anything about them. Stay focussed; do what you need to do to take care of yourself and those you care about. Do what makes you enjoy life. Its too short to worry about things we cannot change. I like to think that the economy crumbling might lead to good things, like my credit problems becoming irrelevant. Or an actual cry for social change that revolutionizes our country. But hey, I'll take what I can get :grin:

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I have happy pills! Seriously, I am not trying to be flippant but so far right now Wellbutirn is what is keeping me going... especially since I am living in Seoul, Korea. I am keeping myself busy, I am going back to school and I just got a US government job (amazing since I hadn't worked in eons and with the state of the economy).

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Turn off the TV.

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I have plenty of hope. The Internet is allowing the next generation to communicate like never before. As each generation has died off, they have mostly taken their antiquated views with them as we launch into the future.


Yes, we will be suffering for the crimes of our stupidity for awhile, but so long as education and information are easily available we as a species are much better off than we ever were.


These 'bad things' are often the death throes of our tribal societies, but we shall persevere, or perhaps be annihilated in nuclear war, but I'll go down swinging in the name of enlightenment.

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Turn off the TV.

Generally works for me.

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Just want to put this into persepctive...


When I was in high school (1979 - 1983), we were worried about nuclear war, Iran and the spread of radical Islam, the U.S.' troubled economy throughout the 70s and what it would mean in the 80s, the U.S.' diminished importance in world affairs, events all over Asia, crazy Reagan in the White House... Prior to that, there was the Vietnam War, 60s culture and the end of traditional American life, the Cuban Missle Crisis, the Second World War, the Great Depression... And prior to that Inquisitions, Black Plague, massacres... Life has always been rotten, and yet people have found ways to make the most of it and enjoy it.


At the risk of sounding religious (which I am not!), you may want to list fifteen ten things you are grateful for. And then (to prove that I am not religious)... Indulge! Really concentrating on the people and things that matter to you in this world will help you deal with the craziness of life. Remember that this comes from someone with OCD, which means my middle name is anxiety! This works for me.


Here's my list (in no particular order):


1. Science fiction books and films


2. Super-hero comic books


3. Star Trek


4. Hot guys


5. Chocolate


6. Mixing science fiction or comics or Star Trek with hot guys and chocolate!


7. Sex and sexual variety


8. This board


9. Parents and a sister who are Christian but accept me as gay and atheist


10. My best friend


11. A couple I met a year and a half ago that I am getting really friendly with


12. My vocal lessons


13. Spicy food


14. Being able to do some good in the world through volunteer work with others who have OCD


15. Good students in my classes who teach me as much as I teach them

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Turn off the TV.

That is exactly what I do to help turn off the stress! I also try to avoid dialogue with really PO'd people, as this can be contagious mob mentality at times. There is also something zen-like in making one's own beer.

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Turn off the TV.



Ditto, especially if it's tuned to the news. You already KNOW what is going on....take a break. Focus on your own ONE life for a couple weeks before gathering the miseries and pains of thousands of other lives back into your noggin.

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I have to echo midnight and Ameen.

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Pretty much what has been said above. Things will be good or bad regardless of faith, and things always can change on a whim.


And I guess I'll join in with what keeps me happy in life.


1. Anime


2. Good movies


3. Good food


4. Star Trek (I've recently become very obsessed)


5. Music


6. YouTube vids to make me laugh


7. Online forums to chat in


8. Otakon and other anime conventions


9. My life philosophy


10. My attitude on life


11. Memorable people I've met


12. Kendo


13. Snow


14. Junk food


15. Roller coasters

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