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Goodbye Jesus

Invisible Pink Unicorns...


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So I was debating with my cube mate again today, and I finally got him to admit that there is no proof for invisible pink unicorns (or god, for that matter). He used every circular logic trick in the book.


Him: We exist, therefore god exists.


Me: No. The fact that we exist only proves that we exist. (Picks up stress ball) That's like saying that because my stress ball exists, the wind exists. Or the number 7 exists. Or the color purple. It's a logical fallacy.


He went on some weird tangent about having two stress balls, and if one of them imploded (he seems to think that there's a fairly good chance of objects imploding without any outside interference, despite the fact that it's never happened before), somehow he would still have two stress balls if he didn't know it had imploded. He thought that somehow meant that 1 + 1 = 2. Don't ask me why. It's FundyLogic .


Me: No, you only have one stress ball. That is 1 = 1. If the other one imploded, you can't logically have it. It's gone. It went poof. Just because you don't know about it, doesn't mean it exists. (I should've used an example about someone dying and him not knowing about it doesn't mean that person was alive, but oh well. I'll save it for the next debate.)


Eventually, he finally admitted that I was right and you can't prove that Invisible Pink Unicorns exist. You can have faith in their existance, but you cannot prove that they exist. I told him that I didn't care if he believed in them, as long as he knew he couldn't prove it and didn't expect other people to believe him. I think I may have de-fundyized him.



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