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Goodbye Jesus

Harry Potter Via Chick Tract

Yaoi Huntress Earth

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One of my associates on a forum I frequent did a mocking of a Jack Chick-style fanfic ( http://www.projectafterforums.com/index.php?showtopic=1338 ) where Harry learns how evil his magic is and surrenders to Jesus because some condisending kid told about Jesus. Saddly the fic in question was not a parody.

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Very Funny!!

Where do people come up with this crap? There was no Kate at Hogwarts. Everyone knows that. :grin:

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Also Harry doesn't look down on Muggles (if I remember correctly) and when you think about it, what does that kid expect? That the kids with those powers shouldn't learn to control them because that would mean using that magic.

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Ha ha, he rated himself, and was the only one to do so positively. :lmao:

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Also Harry doesn't look down on Muggles (if I remember correctly) and when you think about it, what does that kid expect? That the kids with those powers shouldn't learn to control them because that would mean using that magic.


Or better yet, there are no demons or satanic images in the magical world of Harry Potter, demons and satanic images are Christian based ideas and have no place in Hogwarts. :grin:

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I wonder what Harry will do when Voldermort and his cronies back for him and he refuses to use his magic.

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I felt like puking while reading that. :puke:


BTW, the puke icon looks more like it is pissing itself.

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I felt like puking while reading that. :puke:


BTW, the puke icon looks more like it is pissing itself.


It does. For a while I thought that was what it represented.

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I felt like puking while reading that. :puke:


BTW, the puke icon looks more like it is pissing itself.


That's cuz' it's not the puke icon.

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I felt like puking while reading that. :puke:


BTW, the puke icon looks more like it is pissing itself.


That's cuz' it's not the puke icon.


Well, the prompt is : puke :.

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One of my associates on a forum I frequent did a mocking of a Jack Chick-style fanfic ( http://www.projectafterforums.com/index.php?showtopic=1338 ) where Harry learns how evil his magic is and surrenders to Jesus because some condisending kid told about Jesus. Saddly the fic in question was not a parody.


Oh dear sweet Ahura Mazda, I remember this fic! I read it a long time ago on fanfiction.net,and if memory serves me right, I thought it was bad even when I was a christian.Augh, the horror, the horror...

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The commentary did at least keep me reading it since they were funny.

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Or better yet, there are no demons or satanic images in the magical world of Harry Potter, demons and satanic images are Christian based ideas and have no place in Hogwarts. :grin:

Never mind that Harry Potter is more pro-Christian than anti-Christian.
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I felt like puking while reading that. :puke:


BTW, the puke icon looks more like it is pissing itself.


That's cuz' it's not the puke icon.


Well, the prompt is : puke :.


Yeah, I noticed. Pretty sure that wasn't always the prompt. Whether it was or not, that's clearly not a puking icon. Go with your first instinct : "BTW, the puke icon looks more like it is pissing itself."

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