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Hi, It's Jason Again, Im Back


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Well, I think I'm making a whole lot of progress in my journey now. I think and discovered that most churches are cults and/or social clubs/night clubs, and/or a buisness!!!!!


But as far as meeting new people and making new friends, meetup.com dosent work for me around here where I live becasue all the groups are too far away!!! And I don't trust craiglist or myspace too meet people at all either!!!! And I might be getting my first tattoo soon, but I don't think tattoos parlors are a place to hang out and/or meet people. If it happens it will happen anyways. And the bar scene is horrible around here too!!!!!! And way to expensive!!! Most people just drink at home and/or with friends at their house anyways.


So I think all I need to do is just live my own life and just GO WITH THE FLOW, as they say..... Meaning that, I'll jut meet people/make new friends around town/around the neighborhood, be with family more, at work-with my coworkers and customers, and maybe the mall too, etc etc etc.... And I have a neighbor friend who I'm starting to drink with on the weekends, him and his girlfriend, we've known each other for a long time.


And I'm also trying to reconnect with 2-3 old friends from wayy back-like in the 4th grade or so. They still see me around town too!!!!


So any other ideas or suggestions?


Real life kind of seems borring though.... lol!!!

I mean, other then work all I like to do is watch ufc fighting and football on th weekends and drink with friends and family and enjoy nature when I can. And watch tv and movies daily and be online here daily/watching porn daily lol-that has helped my sexuality a lot!!!!!


But as far as finding/getting girlfried, how does that work??? Do I have to look for one and pursue her? Or will it just HAPPEN when I'm not looking for one or what /how???



Thanks everyone,



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You mentioned the cause of your problem right here:


Real life kind of seems borring though.... lol!!!


If you find your own life boring, why would you expect others to think you're interesting?


What you'll want to do is figure out what would make your life more interesting and to challenge to yourself. Once you get past that hurdle, others will take notice.

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But as far as finding/getting girlfried, how does that work??? Do I have to look for one and pursue her? Or will it just HAPPEN when I'm not looking for one or what /how???



Thanks everyone,




It works the same way now as before. If you met your girlfriends at a church in the past, now you'll need some other venue. Like a social club. If you enjoy cycling, join a cycling club. Play cards? Card club. You get the idea. You won't meet anyone by staying in your house, so you have to put forth some effort to get yourself out there and involved in your community in some way. Then if you're confident in yourself things will happen for you. ;)

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Guest Davka

Go take a couple classes at the local community college. Drama class is a great place to meet girls. Financial Aid would probably help.

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Just discover, then follow, your interests. When your life is interesting to you, so it will be to the women you seek. That's probably why my Christian wife has stuck around for 13 years.

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You mentioned the cause of your problem right here:


Real life kind of seems borring though.... lol!!!


If you find your own life boring, why would you expect others to think you're interesting?


What you'll want to do is figure out what would make your life more interesting and to challenge to yourself. Once you get past that hurdle, others will take notice.

I agree with Paul and have experienced this myself...not with meeting girls, but if I swung that way, it would work! :HaHa: This indeed is real magic, IMO, and it fascinates me the way this universe works and our part in it.

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