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Goodbye Jesus

A Newbie Called Fawzia

Guest Fawzia

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Guest Fawzia

Hi folks!


I'm Fawzia, I am both ex Muslim & ex Christian, my parents are from Shia Muslim families, but had left Islam although they couldn't officially apostatise in Iran.My dad's an aeronotical engineer, mum's a chef specializing in middle eastern dishes, she used to work in a 5 star hotel in Tehran & now works in a restaurant.I'm an only child.


My parents had become sort of agnostic living under a theocracy, they wanted to leave for better career opportunities & of course to escape a theocracy.


My father got a job in U.S.A. so we had shifted there. A pastor from a Church greatly helped us in finding a house etc & would often visit us with select bits of the Bible, mum seemed to fall for his preaching & to a far lesser extent, so did I.


When my mum decided to become a Christian, I followed suit, although my dad remained agnostic.I must mention that I didn't know very much about Christianity then.


There are reasons which made me doubt & then leave Christianity, first I started reading the Bible & to my horror found it just as bad as the Quran, I had imagined that the Bible was a far better book.


Surfing the net led me to a site called Skeptics Annotated Bible, my doubts deepened & my pastor couldn't explain them satisfactorily.


Reading other books like Richard Dawkins The God Delusion etc made me convinced I didn't believe anymore.


In addition, I find the Christian\Muslim idea of exclusive salvation very unpleasant, I can't accept Anne Frank, Gandhi, Einstein & billions of noble atheists, agnosts, Buddhists, Jains, Hindus, etc burning in Hell.


If Islam is right, all Christians will burn in Hell, whereas if Christianity is right, all Muslims will burn in Hell.


No other religion says this, to the best of my knowledge.

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  • Super Moderator

Hello, and welcome Fawzia.


This should be a good place for you to get used to living without religion. Especially the Abrahamic variety!


Your perspective coming from both of those religions will be very welcome.



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Welcome Fawzia!


Please pull up a chair, relax, and have some fun. As Florduh said, your unique perspective is most welcome here.

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Welcome. You've found a great place to hang out and get some encouragement

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Guest Davka

Welcome, Fawzia! I'd love to hear more of your story. I've met a number of Iranian ex-pats over the years, and I'm convinced that we don't really understand Iran very well in the West.


mum's a chef specializing in middle eastern dishes, she used to work in a 5 star hotel in Tehran & now works in a restaurant.


I fall at her feet in awe. Do you have any idea how incredibly lucky you are? It took me years just to learn how to make decent stuffed grape leaves! And those are so basic! I have some Kurdish cousins (in-laws) who make amazing dishes. I've never eaten Iranian cooking, but I'm sure it's similar in many ways.


I wish I lived closer, I'd beg you to invite me over for dinner.

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