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Stuff Christian Culture Likes


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So I found this blog and it got me thinking. So much of it had me there, glued to the screen nodding my head "Oh yeah! I remember that!" or shedding a tear for the misspent teen years engaging in such xtian culture goodies as back-rub chains (I must say here that while I did indeed witness one of these I have never been part of one!), the bizarre fixation with virginity = purity, thinking it was indeed ok to go up to friends and ask them how their personal walk with jesus was going. Ugh. Oh and as you'll see if you click the link - that whole hoping the rapture doesn't happen until AFTER the wedding night. So sadly true that it's funny.

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Back-rub chains are part of Xtian culture? My entire marching band takes part in those before huge competitions! They're wonderful, and I never participated in any at church... only on the practice field.


I was always one of those kids who was too shy to talk to people even about the weather, let alone their personal walk with Jesus, and I certainly don't miss the push to convert everyone.


But there are some parts of Christianity that I miss muchos, like the craziness at camp and how a lot of things were still fun even with fundies. Good thing God doesn't send you to hell for attempting to thaw out a frozen Capri Sun in the microwave... >=)

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Guest doveless

#84 had me laughing aloud for real. My parents didn't allow TV...but they couldn't kick the movie habit, and there weren't many Xian films at that point in time...which led to a lot of fast-forwarding and jumping in front of the screen to protect our eyes. Funny stuff.

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Could we add further to the duping of other people's culture, mostly for the irony value (think Stuff White People Like). The logo alteration hit close to it but still.

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We did backrub chains at Campus Crusade for Christ sometimes. My college days...


We actually had a Halloween party, but not everyone showed up because about half of Crusade protested... >_>

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Backrub chains?! :blink:


Is that what it sounds like?

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Backrub chains... where you always hope to be next to the girl/guy you think is adorable. But all in purity of course. I g-g-get to t-t-touch her...

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Guest worried

Haha I've seen almost ALL of this crap. I totally LMBO at it. It makes me ill that I still have some of those awful "logo" christian t-shirts somewhere in my closet

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#92 Hoping that the rapture doesn't happen until after your wedding night


Haha, yep. If I had a nickel for every time as a teenager that I prayed that Jesus would wait for his return until after I got married, I'd have quite a hefty sum.


#87 Getting rid of their secular music


Been there, done that. As a music fanatic, over the past few years I've been trying to catch up on a lot of stuff I missed out on over the years when I listened almost exclusively to religious music.


#84 Focusing on "that one scene" that ruined the movie


Yeah, my wife and I only occasionally went to movies, but we did walk out of Titanic during the nude scene and ask for our money back.


#79 Coffeehouses


I used to play drums in a Christian band that frequented coffeehouses. It is ironic that these are called "coffeehouses" when most of them don't really specialize in coffee. Oh well, I don't like coffee anyway.


#69 Saying "Let's close in prayer"


I used to teach Sunday School and Bible studies, and I would typically start and close with prayer.


#62 Christ-ifying Product Logos


I used to wear Living Epistles T-shirts.


#52 Not Legalizing Gay Marriage


I was very opposed to this. I was even more opposed to abortion, which I'm surprised to not see on the list (or did I miss it?).


#43 Having Only Christian Friends


Well, I wasn't opposed to having nonchristian friends, as long as the closest friends were Christians. I personally only had Christian friends, though (I found it difficult to relate to nonchristians).


#19 Not Smoking


Yep, I opposed that. I still don't think it's wise, but as long as you're not blowing it in my face, I don't care if you wish to smoke.


#17 Saying "Bless This Food To The Nourishment Of Our Bodies"


Not necessarily that exact phrase, but I would often make similar comments in my prayers.


#16 Believing That America Is A Christian Nation


More accurately, I believed that America used to be a Christian nation, and I wanted it to be one again.


#14 Worship Teams


Been there, done that. I played drums and also sometimes ran sound.


#11 The Youth Group Leader / Youth Pastor


Also did the youth group leader thingy.


#9 Acting Happy


I actually was usually happy in my Christian life, so I wasn't acting. But, yeah, we were supposed to let others see our joy.

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#90 - Being Pro-Life while simultaneously opposing the war


#52 Not Legalizing Gay Marriage


I was very opposed to this. I was even more opposed to abortion, which I'm surprised to not see on the list (or did I miss it?).


And yup, I was once both of those, too.

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#90 - Being Pro-Life while simultaneously opposing the war


#52 Not Legalizing Gay Marriage


I was very opposed to this. I was even more opposed to abortion, which I'm surprised to not see on the list (or did I miss it?).


And yup, I was once both of those, too.


Oh yeah, I did notice #90 but forgot about it. #90 actually says "Being Pro-Life While Simultaneously Supporting The War," though. Regarding the invasion of Iraq, I neither supported nor opposed it. I simply wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do or not, so I didn't include #90 on my list and forgot about it by the time I got to #52. I think the abortion issue on that list should be a stand-alone topic.

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funny thing, they are using "jumbo-tron" as an excuse to get "sports fans" in. obama is the anti-christ lol. i thought the same about bush.

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i book marked the blog. for my own amusement.

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Backrub chains... where you always hope to be next to the girl/guy you think is adorable. But all in purity of course. I g-g-get to t-t-touch her...


I see :P

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Holy shit. Is this what xianity has progressed to?


I haven't been to church in over 15 years so I guess I'm out of the loop.


I thought Stryper was bad. You have to be a complete dweeb to fall for this level of cheese. I think if I still believed I wouldn't come within listening distance of a church/coffee house that played Coldplay/Nickleback and that talked up date nights and engaged in back rub chains.


This is serious pod people stuff.

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I always thought those logo shirts were really tacky and ugly.


#17 Saying "Bless This Food To The Nourishment Of Our Bodies"


Not necessarily that exact phrase, but I would often make similar comments in my prayers.


I always found that phrase really ironic, because in the south most of the food is fried and is horrible for the body as far as nourishment goes.

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#9 Acting Happy


I actually was usually happy in my Christian life, so I wasn't acting. But, yeah, we were supposed to let others see our joy.


Thinking more about that, I guess I should acknowledge that I did have a couple jobs back then that I hated, so those were low points. But otherwise I was generally happy, or at least content.

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I thought Stryper was bad. You have to be a complete dweeb to fall for this level of cheese.


I actually like a lot of their music, though anymore I find it difficult to listen to most "Christian music." But, lawd have mercy, those bee suits were gawd-awful! Even when I was a believer, I hated the way Stryper looked. They were even cheesier looking than the standard 80s cheese metal look (except for Kiss, who were just about as bad in the appearance department).


However, Stryper's best album (imo), "Against The Law," had a little rougher edge to it than their other albums, dropped the bee costumes and, for the most part, also dropped the religious overtones. I still occasionally listen to that CD. Like maybe once every couple years.

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