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Goodbye Jesus

A fictional testimony


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The following is for a fictional character named Faye Millington, of CIB Comics (http://www.bibp.com/cib IT IS A FURRY COMIC, SO IF YOU AREN'T INTO FURRIES, DO NOT GO). The Babbitt faith mentioned here is the equivalent of fundamental Xians/Muslims. I would like feedback from some of the locals here, so I can accurately portray the character.


"My name is Faye Millington, and I used to be of the Babbitt faith, though not by choice. My dad was a Babbitt priest, and he basically forced me to church at every chance. I even went to a Babbitt school. Most of the girls were pregnant by 10th grade. Lucky me, I wasn't one of them. I fought the brainwashing tooth, claw, and nail. And well, they bit back. Hard. To this day, I can't look at a belt without wincing.


When I was 3 months away from my 18th birthday, my grandparents decided to help me out. I basically smuggled my things out piecemeal over 18 months. Then my birthday came. At 1:00 am, I turned 18. I took what little I had left (Dad thought women were unclean so he generally never came into my room), and, after managing to open my window, I climbed down. I left one message: Babbitt es endifferente prae quam tyrannis (Babbitt is no different from any other tyrant), carved into the wall. I became a cop not too long afterwards, and later, a government worker.


I also discovered I had a stepbrother with the Cumbrian Royal Air Force. "


Name: Faye Rosalina Millington


Age at conversion: Birth


Age at deconversion: 18 (can't really claim I was a Babbitt)


Former Religion: Babbitt


Current religion: Athiest, and probably will be for life.


e-mail address: (fictional) alphafemale19@cumbriamail.com

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Well, the testimony sounds okay but why did she left? I mean, there are many reasons to leave x-tianity but what are her personal reasons? How did she find out, that there are other ways? What did her grandparents tell her? I think these are the questions of real interest. :fdevil:


I have read the first 3 to 4 pages of the comic and I like it. I have to find time of reading the rest.


Akomachi from Germany (a cheetah) alias Islington :blink::ukliam2::wave:

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Glad to see someone likes my work. I am working on it. In fact, you may want to hit the forums. There is a special event going on there.


In the meantime, I am putting your advice into account ^^

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