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Christians And Circular Logics...


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I'm amazed by the lack of critical thinking amongst Christians.


I'm amazed they cannot defend Creationism or literal 7 day creation based on anything else than their own Creationist books full with flawed arguments - radioisotope dating, Macroevolution not possible, blah blah... They don't even know what a peer reviewed article is.


They use circular logics: "If an article supports an Old Earth it must be incorrect because the Bible says otherwise"...


I've come to the conclusion that Creationists don't live in a real world. They live in fantasy.

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I've come to the conclusion that Creationists don't live in a real world. They live in fantasy.


Yes of course. Some Christians don't go with the creationist scenario. If you get a liberal Catholic and a evangelical Christian together you won't find a lot of agreement. Nevertheless, the minute someone says "the Bible is God's Word" all rational argument goes out the window. You might as well be talking to a brick wall.

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I'm amazed by the lack of critical thinking amongst Christians.


I'm amazed they cannot defend Creationism or literal 7 day creation based on anything else than their own Creationist books full with flawed arguments - radioisotope dating, Macroevolution not possible, blah blah... They don't even know what a peer reviewed article is.


They use circular logics: "If an article supports an Old Earth it must be incorrect because the Bible says otherwise"...


I've come to the conclusion that Creationists don't live in a real world. They live in fantasy.



Yes, I always enjoy the circular logic:


How do you know it's true? - Because the bible says so.


How do you know the bible is true? - Because it is god's word.


How do you know that? - Because the bible says so.



Like the old bumper sticker says: God said it. I believe it. That settles it. --- That sums up the fundy mindset.

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