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Goodbye Jesus

New Member Zaac Wants To Be My Friend!

I Broke Free

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Quote from new member ‘zaac’


i want invite you join christian blog

i will ne glad to see ur post


bless you


The message above was received by me from ‘zaac’ at 10:52am EDT. Did anyone else get this message?


I checked out the website and it was the usual xtian drivel, nothing very interesting at all. I just loved the text of the message. It just screams ignorant, mind-numbingly stupid troll has sent you a message. What in the hell is this supposed to accomplish? “If you join my church in 30 days I guarantee you will be as eloquent as me!” Is that the message?

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  • Super Moderator

I received it too, at 10:56. I didn't check out his blog, but I did look up his member profile. The only info is that he is a believer (surprise surprise) and his location is "tgj" -- where is that? "thank god jesus" land or something. lol


Aren't we the lucky ones. :HaHa:

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Zaac, I know you are reading this as a guest now. I just want you to know that your attempts here to convert people are not making up for the fact that you whack off to porn every day. You can’t help yourself, you keep trying and trying, and praying and praying, but you can’t stop. You know you are supposed to go out and spread the gospel, but it makes you uncomfortable to do it person, doesn’t it? So you come here, make a half-assed attempt to get us to a Christian website, wait for our rebuttal and then go back to church telling them how evil we are and how persecuted you feel. Zaac, that is the coward’s way out and God knows it. You are going to straight to hell.

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  • Super Moderator
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Hmm. There was a rabid fundie nutcase troll with the handle "Zaac" on CF... wonder if it's him.


If so, he's a whackjob a-hole. Ignore at will.

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I don't see a message for me. I must not be juicy enough, either that or "Zaac" is gay.

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Hey, I didn't get one! I feel so deprived! Or is that depraved?


Reminds me of one of my very favorite bits from Landover. Just a little, tiny sidebar add down in the corner, but it was so perfect and succinct:


"Accept Jesus and get a free cell phone!"

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Zaac, I know you are reading this as a guest now. I just want you to know that your attempts here to convert people are not making up for the fact that you whack off to porn every day. You can’t help yourself, you keep trying and trying, and praying and praying, but you can’t stop. You know you are supposed to go out and spread the gospel, but it makes you uncomfortable to do it person, doesn’t it? So you come here, make a half-assed attempt to get us to a Christian website, wait for our rebuttal and then go back to church telling them how evil we are and how persecuted you feel. Zaac, that is the coward’s way out and God knows it. You are going to straight to hell.


Maybe this should be required reading for all fundies who register with us.


At the top of the Lion's Den page we could have the following text:


"Dear fundy, we just want you to know that your attempts here to convert people are not making up for the fact that you whack off to porn every day. You can’t help yourself, you keep trying and trying, and praying and praying, but you can’t stop. You know you are supposed to go out and spread the gospel, but it makes you uncomfortable to do it in person, doesn’t it? So you come here, make a half-assed attempt to get us to a Christian website, wait for our rebuttal and then go back to church telling them how evil we are and how persecuted you feel. Please know that from our point of view, that is the coward’s way out and God knows it. You are going to straight to hell."

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Zaac, I know you are reading this as a guest now. I just want you to know that your attempts here to convert people are not making up for the fact that you whack off to porn every day. You can’t help yourself, you keep trying and trying, and praying and praying, but you can’t stop. You know you are supposed to go out and spread the gospel, but it makes you uncomfortable to do it person, doesn’t it? So you come here, make a half-assed attempt to get us to a Christian website, wait for our rebuttal and then go back to church telling them how evil we are and how persecuted you feel. Zaac, that is the coward’s way out and God knows it. You are going to straight to hell.


Quite possibly the best post I've ever read :lmao:

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Well said, Dennis. Absolutely brilliant. :grin:

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Thanks everyone, I was just speaking from experience. :HappyCry:


Oh, and Zaac, I know it's gay porn, so does God. Much worse you know.

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Of course, the obvious question now is, is it gay missionary porn? And I ain't just talkin' about the position. :wicked:

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