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The "christian" Bookstore


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i'm just wanting to know if any of you have ever been in a christian bookstore, i've worked in one, but i thought they were all nut jobs, but i needed the money, so i worked there it also helped me realized that i may be an atheist. most of the books mentioned by posters here i used to sell and when i was a "christian" i still thought it was fluff, nothing that the store sold in my opinion wasn't even worthy to studied or used. one of the most rememberable was the purpose driven life, the church gave everyone copies and when i went back to college on monday i thought it was crap and i trashed it. the book did nothing to boost our church, nor did the practices worked. i kinda want to know if you have been there have sworn by it, or just agree with me that all the crazies hangout there to feel good about themselves. or you just don't care.

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I used to go there all the time. The one writer who really gets on my nerves is Max Lucado. Go to a "devout" xians home and you will see his crap everywhere. He writes like a book a week, 14-16pt font, double spaced, and approx 100 pages. This drivel sells for $24.99 and I could read the whole thing in less than an hour. Talk about raping the flock

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I always wondered why if the bible is the one and only true instruction book, why in the hell do they need so damn many xtian books to explain it all? $$$$$$$$$$$$

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The Christian bookstore is where they sell stuff to either reinforce the concepts they already know, or to have them explained from different angles with the goal of getting it "right". If they can get the concepts down just right, it will all work and the whole thing will be validated. If it were already working, they wouldn't need any more books and tapes. Those who sell the books and tapes (well, tapes may be a bit old fashioned these days) know that there is a never ending demand for more and more because even when there is a colossal best seller like "The Purpose Driven Life" complete with church studies and key dongles with key concepts, nobody is really changed. When the shiny new book becomes trite, they start looking for "The Secret" to a happy life, since they aren't getting it from their pre-fab authorized and approved Christian life.


I hated this tripe even when I was a believer, but most of the church ate it up like bacon and eggs. It wasn't until I went "extreme" and tried to live a life that would cause God to respond and pour out real power and anointing on me (like he was apparently doing for the evangelist I followed), that I eventually figured out the whole thing was a sham. Often it is driven by well-meaning people and folks who are really do believe. Other times it is driven by people that play the role so they can manipulate the suckers and get really wealthy. The fad driven church has been around for a very long time, following the next spooky idea that will get God to really show up and do something. Ooooooooh!

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I used to go in these bookstores all the time when I was a Christian in the 90s. I always thought Christian fiction was crap, but I used to read books by various preachers like R.C. Sproul, stuff by C.S. Lewis, some scholarly type things, more philosophical. I did read a couple books by Lucado - really insipid.


I found the inspiration to be not that inspiring.


I tried to read the first in that series of end-times books "Left Behind" but the characterizations and dialogue were so absurd I could not continue. Now I think the authors were just trying to capitalize on people's fear and they really succeeded. They were laughing all the way to the bank.


I think the reason that I went was to try to make Christianity somehow seem real or reasonable, which deep down I knew it was not. I honestly do not know how anyone that isn't brainwashed can get anything out of this for their problems in life.


I never liked all the cutsey art and stuff they tried to sell. I never cared much for modern Christian music either.

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I've never been to one but do they sell books by liberal Christian authors like Marcus Borg or John Dominic Crossant at xtian bookstores or is it all just conservative apologetics?

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I've never been to one but do they sell books by liberal Christian authors like Marcus Borg or John Dominic Crossant at xtian bookstores or is it all just conservative apologetics?


Yes, I think some of them do. I can remember seeing a variety of different liberal Christian authors. Thinking back I remember I had to go to the back section of the store to find the books like this. Almost like the video rental places that had a back room for the porn tapes.

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I've never been to one but do they sell books by liberal Christian authors like Marcus Borg or John Dominic Crossant at xtian bookstores or is it all just conservative apologetics?


Yes, I think some of them do. I can remember seeing a variety of different liberal Christian authors. Thinking back I remember I had to go to the back section of the store to find the books like this. Almost like the video rental places that had a back room for the porn tapes.


the store i worked at hid them really well, or never ordered them. they didn't care about "liberal" anything, aka pat robertson: all liberals are bad, all liberal christians are fakes, drove me crazy

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I used to go in these bookstores all the time when I was a Christian in the 90s. I always thought Christian fiction was crap, but I used to read books by various preachers like R.C. Sproul, stuff by C.S. Lewis, some scholarly type things, more philosophical. I did read a couple books by Lucado - really insipid.


I found the inspiration to be not that inspiring.


I tried to read the first in that series of end-times books "Left Behind" but the characterizations and dialogue were so absurd I could not continue. Now I think the authors were just trying to capitalize on people's fear and they really succeeded. They were laughing all the way to the bank.


I think the reason that I went was to try to make Christianity somehow seem real or reasonable, which deep down I knew it was not. I honestly do not know how anyone that isn't brainwashed can get anything out of this for their problems in life.


I never liked all the cutsey art and stuff they tried to sell. I never cared much for modern Christian music either.


don't get me started on thomas kincade, i'll be here for decades.

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Yeah, Kincade. There was a whole store in the mall devoted to his stuff. For a few years it was everywhere. I thought his work was really creepy (unintentionally so).


Also I remember someone in our church was hung up on collecting all the "Precious Moments" figurines. Had a whole cabinet full of them. Wish I could have gotten in on that money-maker. These things were also all over the Hallmark card stores. Looking at them was like gagging on some super sweet cotton candy or something. YUK!

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my sister worked in one, i remember they had big controversies over whether to keep selling Catholic stuff or not, i think they had a little.


But how dare you trash rick warren and lucado so thoughtlessly, do you really think toilet paper is free?

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Yeah, Kincade. There was a whole store in the mall devoted to his stuff. For a few years it was everywhere. I thought his work was really creepy (unintentionally so).


Also I remember someone in our church was hung up on collecting all the "Precious Moments" figurines. Had a whole cabinet full of them. Wish I could have gotten in on that money-maker. These things were also all over the Hallmark card stores. Looking at them was like gagging on some super sweet cotton candy or something. YUK!


yeah the creators of precious moments was clear on his intentions, he wanted money and to skim from the christians anyway. i actually found out that even working in a "christian bookstore" has it share of issues. which made me question why i believed even more.

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I went to a Christian book store last year as a Catholic friend of mine finds her favorite history novels there cheaper than the Barnes and Nobel down the street. There were Christian themed toys and candy on a discount rack which looked like they were ten or more years old ( most of it was rubber Noah's Ark themed Koosh balls and bible character shaped candy).Even my Christian friend with us found most of the items "stupid and degrading" ( especially the Jesus and Mary suckers).


My Catholic friend told me that when she went into the store a year before a teenage girl employee ( seemed to be able to sniff out Catholics I guess) gave her a hard time when she was browsing the books, and threatened security on her if she didn't leave. Luckily she called the manager when she got home ( an Episcopalian) and he fired the employee.


Then there's a Christian bookstore at a local strip mall which I only window shop at. Once I noticed many of the non crucifix shaped pendants on display in the window were actually pagan symbols, and when I told a friend ( another Catholic friend) with me what the symbols were we both had a good laugh as I remember a Wiccan anthropology professor who wore such symbols on her jewelery a few years before. My Catholic friend this time even pointed out that she has never seen anyone wearing those types of symbols as pendants at her church, so why even buy one if the store has no idea what they actually mean.

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I bought all kinds of shit from Christian bookstores back in my most fanatic fundie days (late 80's/early 90's). I bought a Dake bible (which I liked at the time), lots of apologetic and prophecy material, and stuff that I think is kooky now about how to kick the Talking Snake's ass (mostly by quoting scriptures and doing "spiritual warfare") and live victoriously in Kryasst!! Glory!

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great responses, now i know i wasn't the only one who thought a christian bookstore was well a waste of their time. and thanks for taking the poll, i just told my cousin about my agnositc/atheist type thing, but told him that i'm still a christian so he'll talk. anyway, i'll leave the poll up for a few more days and see what happens.

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Yes, I think some of them do. I can remember seeing a variety of different liberal Christian authors. Thinking back I remember I had to go to the back section of the store to find the books like this. Almost like the video rental places that had a back room for the porn tapes.

Doesn't Bishop Spong actually refuse to have any of his books sold in xtian bookstores?
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Yes, I think some of them do. I can remember seeing a variety of different liberal Christian authors. Thinking back I remember I had to go to the back section of the store to find the books like this. Almost like the video rental places that had a back room for the porn tapes.

Doesn't Bishop Spong actually refuse to have any of his books sold in xtian bookstores?


I was thinking that Spong was one I didn't used to see, but it didn't matter because his books were in the library.

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I've been to them numerous times when I taught sunday school and to buy books and (ugh!) music. Yes, I used to listen to that awful CCM. My favorite is the Prayer of Jabez. A couple of obscure verses out of the old testament, and the guy makes a whole cottage industry out of it. People are SUCKERS!

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I've been to them numerous times when I taught sunday school and to buy books and (ugh!) music. Yes, I used to listen to that awful CCM. My favorite is the Prayer of Jabez. A couple of obscure verses out of the old testament, and the guy makes a whole cottage industry out of it. People are SUCKERS!


The prayer of Jabez works, for the one who thought of making the book, of course hasn't worked for anyone else.

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It's pretty funny. I remember going to those stores and seeing Catholic materials mixed in with Protestant stuff. I had a hard time reconciling that because the Catholics were idol worshipers, papists, and absolutely hell bound. How could a Christian book store sell thier filth? Ah the days of my youth!

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Oh my Christian bookstore days! I spent hours in Mardel sampling music and going down every single book aisle. It was like Disney world for an "on-fire Jesus kid" like me!


My town has a small Christian bookstore/framing shop downtown where I did after-Christmas inventory a couple of times. Here's the funny thing though- the lady who owns the place is mean and does whatever the hell she wants! I don't even know if she goes to church or not!


She stocks the traditional Max Lucado, Beth Moore, various devotionals,Veggie Tales, CCM but she also sold the Harry Potter series! I actually bought an English translation of the Koran there! I think she basically stocks whatever will bring in customers and since she has the only bookstore in town, it's not like the Christians would boycott her business! Where would they go?? lol :grin:

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Oh my Christian bookstore days! I spent hours in Mardel sampling music and going down every single book aisle. It was like Disney world for an "on-fire Jesus kid" like me!


My town has a small Christian bookstore/framing shop downtown where I did after-Christmas inventory a couple of times. Here's the funny thing though- the lady who owns the place is mean and does whatever the hell she wants! I don't even know if she goes to church or not!


She stocks the traditional Max Lucado, Beth Moore, various devotionals,Veggie Tales, CCM but she also sold the Harry Potter series! I actually bought an English translation of the Koran there! I think she basically stocks whatever will bring in customers and since she has the only bookstore in town, it's not like the Christians would boycott her business! Where would they go?? lol :grin:


ahh mardel, the leader in making so many atheists, it was where i used to work, they just recently bought a university from a well known idiot. it was also a place where i left god.

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Even as a Christian, what I saw of Christian bookstores made me cringe and think, "No wonder non-Christians see Christians as stupid and shallow."


However, since I've left the One True Faith, I've seen a couple of things that have required a monumental effort to not respond to with a crank phone call.


One was:

Unbelievable Bible Sale!!!


:lmao: As usual, they had no idea at all what they just said, did they?


Another was the name of a store. The name was Christian Supply. I swear, every single time I drove by there, I had an almost uncontrollable urge to call them and ask, "Hello, is this Christian Supply? It is? Well, I was wondering, if I were to buy stock from you by the pallet, would I get a bulk discount? I would? Great! So could you send me a couple pallets of Christians, please? My lions are getting tired of Purina Lion Chow."


But, despite them asking so hard for it, I never made any of the crank calls that sprang to my mind.


I'm a tower of inner strength.


Another time, I was working at a convention center during the County Fair. As usual, there were several Christian booths, one of which was using a, "Win This Bible!" lottery as a hook. The thing was, the Bible in question was a huge family Bible type monstrosity, which was bound in padded white Naugahyde, with a reproduction of da Vinci's Last Supper on the cover. The thing was, the picture was done in that old kind of phony three-dimensional stuff we used to see as kids. You remember those cheap-ass plastic pictures that change as you move it back and forth?


Talk about cheese in a spray can! I loved it instantly. I said, "I must have this!"


I managed to put two or three entry slips into their box every day for the six day event. Didn't win it, though.


Since I've deconverted, one of the things I love best about Christians is their voluminous ability to produce such an endless supply of inadvertent self-satire. As with that delightfully hideous abomination of a Bible, so often I'm left thinking that I couldn't lampoon them any better than they manage to lampoon themselves, no matter how hard I tried. And I'm pretty good at that kind of thing, if I do say so myself.

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Even as a Christian, what I saw of Christian bookstores made me cringe and think, "No wonder non-Christians see Christians as stupid and shallow."


However, since I've left the One True Faith, I've seen a couple of things that have required a monumental effort to not respond to with a crank phone call.


One was:

Unbelievable Bible Sale!!!


:lmao: As usual, they had no idea at all what they just said, did they?


Another was the name of a store. The name was Christian Supply. I swear, every single time I drove by there, I had an almost uncontrollable urge to call them and ask, "Hello, is this Christian Supply? It is? Well, I was wondering, if I were to buy stock from you by the pallet, would I get a bulk discount? I would? Great! So could you send me a couple pallets of Christians, please? My lions are getting tired of Purina Lion Chow."


But, despite them asking so hard for it, I never made any of the crank calls that sprang to my mind.


I'm a tower of inner strength.


lol :lmao:

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Every time I'm in a Christian bookstore, I take photos of the merchandise for comic value. I need to post what I've taken cause some of it's a riot. :D

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