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Ok, Big Question, What Is The Meaning Of Life?


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And do we create our own life- I mean, as we are living from day to day or does life just happen to us or what?


Please explain, and are the masters of our own fate and/or of our own destiny?





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I don't see any particular universal purpose to life itself. It's a vehicle rather than a destination.


In My opinion, purpose is uniquely individual, although a person may indeed find their meaning in living for someone else's sake. Ultimately, I think it comes down to sensation, experiences, and the attention that we pay to them.

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Get born, eat, grow up, screw, have babies, die; just like any other animal on eath. That's the essentialy what life boils down to. Aside from the basic stuff, your life is what you make of it.

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  • Super Moderator

It's a movie.

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It means whatever we make it mean. If we don't get out there and live it, it won't have any meaning at all.

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Why does it have to "mean" anything? Life is life. We make the best of it. Try to enjoy it as much as possible. Do as little harm as possible. The end will be here soon enough.

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I know the meaning of life...


But I’m not going to tell you what it is.

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I know the meaning of life...


But I’m not going to tell you what it is.


I do too. Perhaps we should open a PayPal account and charge $199.95 for the answer.

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  • Super Moderator

Fuck! Now everybody knows!

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Fuck! Now everybody knows!


:lmao: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Davka

We are the vehicles for DNA reproduction. We are here to ensure the continuation of our species' DNA, at the expense of other species' DNA.


So far, I'd say we're doing a bang-up job.

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Life has no inherent meaning. It is a chemical reaction, and nothing more. Having been born with a powerful brain, you get to decide your own purpose.

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Too much thinking you do! Look, the hot waitress is coming over with our chimichangas and drinks!

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The big issue here is the need for most humans to feel 'special', out of the ordinary, somehow being a 'gift' to the human race. We inherently behave as though we need a legacy, or, somehow stand out from the crowd. The 'meaning of life' is imaginary drivel which is also inherently haunting the human mind -- thanks for the evolutionary kluge that is the human mind.


The Meaning of life. As someone has put it, is to Kill, Eat... Fuck.. Be killed, die, be eaten.. We subject other animals to these very simple menial tasks, and we understand it, yet we believe that we are SO SPECIAL so we can not be boiled down to such a simple existence. This is just not the case -- we are not special. We are different, yes, but far from a gift, we are still an 'animal'.


The meaning of life? The continuing of the human race... Blah.

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The big issue here is the need for most humans to feel 'special', out of the ordinary, somehow being a 'gift' to the human race. We inherently behave as though we need a legacy, or, somehow stand out from the crowd. The 'meaning of life' is imaginary drivel which is also inherently haunting the human mind -- thanks for the evolutionary kluge that is the human mind.


The Meaning of life. As someone has put it, is to Kill, Eat... Fuck.. Be killed, die, be eaten.. We subject other animals to these very simple menial tasks, and we understand it, yet we believe that we are SO SPECIAL so we can not be boiled down to such a simple existence. This is just not the case -- we are not special. We are different, yes, but far from a gift, we are still an 'animal'.


Ah, but most animals can't do 0-60 in under 8 seconds and top out at 130 MPH. ;)

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The big issue here is the need for most humans to feel 'special', out of the ordinary, somehow being a 'gift' to the human race. We inherently behave as though we need a legacy, or, somehow stand out from the crowd. The 'meaning of life' is imaginary drivel which is also inherently haunting the human mind -- thanks for the evolutionary kluge that is the human mind.


The Meaning of life. As someone has put it, is to Kill, Eat... Fuck.. Be killed, die, be eaten.. We subject other animals to these very simple menial tasks, and we understand it, yet we believe that we are SO SPECIAL so we can not be boiled down to such a simple existence. This is just not the case -- we are not special. We are different, yes, but far from a gift, we are still an 'animal'.


Ah, but most animals can't do 0-60 in under 8 seconds and top out at 130 MPH. ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...



:eek: Now everyone knows! Why'd you have to go and do that?



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This gets a tad into philosophy:


How does one define life? For most, the answer is simply if it breathes (this excludes the organisms that don't breath), it lives, but if you really look deeper into what makes up an organism, we are all just a collection of chemicals and atoms and much smaller organisms. Are we all just moving colonies of organism?

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I really don't know the meaning to life. What is the meaning of the life of a snail?


All I do know is that I want to live the best life I can right now and help others do the same. I am going to do that tonight by going to see a band, drinking a beer, and perhaps finding a lady to dance with.


Can I have an amen?

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Life doesn't HAVE a point... Life IS the point.

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Life doesn't HAVE a meaning, you MAKE a meaning. So it's whatever you choose. And if you don't choose, it has none.


And your life is a combination of choices, external factors, and random statistical probabilities. You don't always have control over what happens to you, but you always control how you will react.

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"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." — John Lennon


I certainly wasn't planning to become crippled by multiple sclerosis. But, now that I am, there is still a lot about life that I enjoy, and my main goal is to learn something new (i.e., new to me) every day. No day in which I learn something is wasted.


Yes, I know that there may come a time when the benefits of being alive are outweighed by increasing disability and pain, and if that time comes, I hope I can end it quickly and with as little suffering as possible. And, after a while, it will not matter to me or any one else that I ever existed. But, so what?


I'm alive now. And, for now, I'm doing the best I can, making the most of what I have in the present. That's meaning enough for me.

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The question should be, "What is the meaning of my life?" I think if you are asking this question than you are wondering how I got where I am and/or where am I going. Sure there are circumstances we cannot control, but we all have choices we make. Life is about choices and the consequences of those choices. Letting life happen to you is a passive choice, but it's still a choice.

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Crap! Someone posted the answer already!


But seriously...no one knows what the meaning of life is or whether it has a meaning at all. It's terribly frustrating.

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