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Goodbye Jesus

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Guest Speedbump

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Guest Speedbump

It's 11:28pm and I just found this site, needless to say I instantly signed up. I don't have the energy left to compose a full "testimonial" today, besides, my story is probably like most of yours. I just wanted to post how happy and relieved I am to find a community of other people who share similiar views. I hope this is a place I can "take the mask off" for a while. So hello to you.



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-waves- Welcome to the site. I hope you find what you need here.

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  • Super Moderator

Welcome Speedbump. Looking forward to hearing from you.


I remember that same feeling when I first discovered this website. Isn't it great to realize you're not alone? Living in the bible belt, there have been many days when this site seemed like the ONLY bit of sanity in a world gone crazy-religious.


There is a wealth of info here and on the main blog.



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Hello and welcome. :woohoo:

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  • Super Moderator

Welcome, Jeff.


Feel free to "take the mask off" and enjoy yourself.

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Guest Davka

Hey Jeff! Go ahead, take the mask off - heck, take your shoes off, take your shirt and pants off too, just please leave the boxers on - there's such a thing as too much information.




Seriously, welcome to the monkey house. Feel free to wander around and look at the exhibits. We suggest caution around the fundamentalist cages, however - they've been known to bite.

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Guest Speedbump

Thank you, for the kind welcome.

I’m going to add this not because I think it’s unique, or particularly interesting, but in the hope that maybe it will sound familiar to some of you and we can talk about it later. In other words it’s mostly for me.


I come from a strict Lutheran family; the kind that believes in a god who will banish an infant to hell if it dies before baptism. I’m sure you can imagine the rest.

I really tried to believe this nonsense when I was young, because it meant so much to my parents, and extended family, but it just never took.

I was observant enough to see how harshly kids that resisted were treated, and as a result, played along until I was sure I could break free. The day I walked was the best day ever; I claimed my life that day. There were consequences, of course, but it was well worth it.


Once I was free, I wanted to tell everyone what I thought about religion; things that happened to me, what I saw, and so on. What I discovered is that most people are not remotely ready to hear such things, it frightens them. People that had been life long friends withdrew from me. Some tried to evangelize me. When I would rebut their testimony, in an attempt to defend my position, they took it as an attack on their personal beliefs and, for lack of a better phrase, shunned me. They will not speak to me even now, twenty years later.


These events lead to what I call the mask.


I realized that I had a choice to make. If I wanted to shout from the mountain tops, then that would be the defining characteristic of my life: Fighting the good fight. The problem was that I just didn’t want to spend my life that way. I basically like people, and a confrontational anti-religious view point, doesn’t’ lend itself to having lots of folks around to ski or golf with. I also think most people really need their faith. So I keep those views to myself. If asked directly I tell the truth, if someone needs to be confronted I’ll confront them, and let the chips fall. I live in a religious world. So be it.


Now days, I’m a successful, conservative looking person. Most people look at me and think I’m a Born againer, or a Mormon, that’s the mask, and because of it people make assumptions about me, and let me be.


I don’t need to change the world, but I certainly want to rage against it sometimes. That’s why I’m so happy to have found this place.



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It's 11:28pm and I just found this site, needless to say I instantly signed up. I don't have the energy left to compose a full "testimonial" today, besides, my story is probably like most of yours. I just wanted to post how happy and relieved I am to find a community of other people who share similiar views. I hope this is a place I can "take the mask off" for a while. So hello to you.



Hello! And Welcome! Yep. That's what you can do here.

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I realized that I had a choice to make. If I wanted to shout from the mountain tops, then that would be the defining characteristic of my life: Fighting the good fight. The problem was that I just didn’t want to spend my life that way. I basically like people, and a confrontational anti-religious view point, doesn’t’ lend itself to having lots of folks around to ski or golf with. I also think most people really need their faith. So I keep those views to myself. If asked directly I tell the truth, if someone needs to be confronted I’ll confront them, and let the chips fall. I live in a religious world. So be it.


Now days, I’m a successful, conservative looking person. Most people look at me and think I’m a Born againer, or a Mormon, that’s the mask, and because of it people make assumptions about me, and let me be.



Hi Jeff,


I know what you mean. I am about three years into my process of leaving christianity, and I'm still attending church and haven't told a lot of family members or friends that I don't believe it any more. Some of it is for reasons you mentioned, some for family reasons...for now. A LOT of the people I work with are church going open about their beliefs type, so I just avoid religious (and political discussions). If they push me, I will tell them what I think, but I don't bring up the subjects. to be sure.


Anyway, welcome. I have found this a great place to ask questions, try to help others, and just vent.



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It's 11:28pm and I just found this site, needless to say I instantly signed up. I don't have the energy left to compose a full "testimonial" today, besides, my story is probably like most of yours. I just wanted to post how happy and relieved I am to find a community of other people who share similiar views. I hope this is a place I can "take the mask off" for a while. So hello to you.




And we're happy to have you.

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