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Reasonable Doubts Podcast: rd49 Liars for Jesus with guest Chris Rodda


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Chris Rodda, MRFF researcher and author of Liars for Jesus, joins us on the show. She exposes the right wing theocrats who are rewriting history claiming America was founded to be a Christian nation. The NCBCPS Bible as Literature curriculum has already introduced these fictions into public schools across the nation. Making things worse, the Texas Board of Education has hired historical revisionist David Barton to review the state's social studies curriculum. Rodda explains what this could mean for textbook publishers in the United States. Also in this episode: the doubtcasters answer email criticizing their case for vegetarianism. Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions._j838ogU69Q


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