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Goodbye Jesus

Andrew Jackson Speech - Farewell Address March 4, 1837


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Guest Davka

Andrew Jackson, the man Bush competed with for the title of Biggest Fascist Asshole President.


Here in Jackson's home state, we learn all about this schmuck. Lied to the Cherokee and drove them off the land he had promised them, committed genocide, shredded States' Rights, seized Florida from the Spanish . . . what a great leader this guy wasn't.

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I've resented Andrew Jackson since US History in high school. Can't imagine why we have that man's face on our money.

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Andrew Jackson, the man Bush competed with for the title of Biggest Fascist Asshole President.


Here in Jackson's home state, we learn all about this schmuck. Lied to the Cherokee and drove them off the land he had promised them, committed genocide, shredded States' Rights, seized Florida from the Spanish . . . what a great leader this guy wasn't.



So not everyone that writes well and uses up extraordinary amounts of inch-lines makes a "good President"?


Just wondering...



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Guest Davka

So not everyone that writes well and uses up extraordinary amounts of inch-lines makes a "good President"?


Just wondering...




'Fraid not.


Was there supposed to be a point in there somewhere?

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The States which had so long been retarded in their improvement by the Indian tribes residing in the midst of them are at length relieved from the evil, and this unhappy race--the original dwellers in our land--are now placed in a situation where we may well hope that they will share in the blessings of civilization and be saved from that degradation and destruction to which they were rapidly' hastening while they remained in the States; and while the safety and comfort of our own citizens have been greatly promoted by their removal, the philanthropist will rejoice that the remnant of that ill-fated race has been at length placed beyond the reach of injury or oppression, and that the paternal care of the General Government will hereafter watch over them and protect them.


Jackson was a man of his times for sure. I read this part and didn't want to read any more of it.


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I've resented Andrew Jackson since US History in high school. Can't imagine why we have that man's face on our money.

For the ironic humor value.

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