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Pz Myers Tours The Creation Museuem

Neon Genesis

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PZ Myers recently took a group of atheists on a tour of Ken Ham's creationist museum. Here's a link to where he blogs about their experience http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2009/08/the_creation_museum_1.php#trackback I have to say that I think the most horrifying part is that they're actually using the story of Ham's curse to explain where racial diversity comes from. Not even the creationists at my parents' church have claimed anything so barbaric. Of course, I'm not sure if it's just because we never talk about that story and no one has bothered to ask where the different races come from.

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....black people in particular were the cursed offspring of Ham.


Oh yes Neon. I heard that one long ago. You should have been around in the late 60s early 70s in the Baptist church. Heck I wasn't even in the deep south (it was Maryland) and I was hearing it. Ham's curse was used as an explanation of why blacks were inferior. I remember someone saying that blacks were incapable of governing themselves.


Yeah, that's what I came out of, it seems unbelievable now.

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Ditto the Deva! Church is also where I learned about the Negroes and the natural order of God's world.

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Wasn't that teaching started by Joseph Smith? I've heard it too, but always in a derogatory can-you-believe-what-those-people-teach sort of way.


What really freaked me out about this story was the way the guards stifle all dissent. Sieg fucking heil, baby Jesus!

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Wasn't that teaching started by Joseph Smith? I've heard it too, but always in a derogatory can-you-believe-what-those-people-teach sort of way.


What really freaked me out about this story was the way the guards stifle all dissent. Sieg fucking heil, baby Jesus!


I don't know if the Mormons invented it or not. A deacon at the Missionary Bapt. Church where I was "saved" showed me (approvingly) pamplet's from the 1950's "proving" that the Bible forbad segregation in the schools and went into the Shem, Ham, Japeth thing.


I was 14-ish. It was approx. 1977. Great bible lessons to teach youth.

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I think we need to get a bus load of homosexuals to take a tour of the Creation Museum, just to piss off Evangelicals. :D


Sodomobile anyone?

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It seems like it is really boring. I've never bought into any racist b.s. and I was never taught anything like that (but I'm not really old enough, apparently), so that part would have seemed bizarre. Actually, all of it would have seemed strange to me as a christian child because I have always read science books, especially dinosaur books which always have a part about the age of the earth, dating objects and evolution, and I never had anyone tell me otherwise (which is really weird, considering how hard core my family is). It seems very clear that this is not something to try to convince anyone, it is only good for those who already believe.


How the security acts does not surprise me. Christians seem to be all for the thought police, and I would expect nothing less than Ken Ham. I wouldn't last 5 minutes in there without saying something snide/sarcastic. Hell, I wouldn't make it in the door. I am glad real museums are not like this, even if it does mean people are walking around telling people lies, even if they don't know it. I actually used to go to church with a guy that did "creation" tours in the Denver Museum. I'm not sure if he still does it, but I used to think it would be fun to go along and challenge him at ever opportunity.

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Since I grew up in the 90's, the whole curse theory was never mentioned. If you asked a Sunday school teacher or preacher why there were so many races, they would just reply to something like, "God created all kinds of people," even if you bring up Adam and Eve (who conveniently were white).

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I think we need to get a bus load of homosexuals to take a tour of the Creation Museum, just to piss off Evangelicals. :D



But I'm not sure they'll let us in since they don't allow homosexual behavior in their museum and wrote an email to PZ Myer's group telling them not to engage in "homosexual behavior" while they're there. :rolleyes:
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I think we need to get a bus load of homosexuals to take a tour of the Creation Museum, just to piss off Evangelicals. :D


Sodomobile anyone?


OMG - That vid was freakin hilarious! I liked the part with Fred Phelps backing away repeating "no need to get so close!"


But Michael Moore was inaccurate in his reporting. He claimed that everyone on his bus was a sodomite, but I'm willing to bet those lesbians were not engaging in sodomy. Shame on you, Michael!


It's good to realize that this vid was made 10 years ago. How fast things change.

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In some states, oral sex is classified as sodomy, and if my memory serves me well, the cowgirl position used to classified as sodomy by the Catholic church.

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I think we need to get a bus load of homosexuals to take a tour of the Creation Museum, just to piss off Evangelicals. :D


Sodomobile anyone?


I love that video. The underdog can win. It's Dawkins's model for how atheists must make themselves be heard--and accepted. Admission: I don't know that Dawkins ever saw Sodomobile but he uses the example of how gays have gained much wider acceptance over the past decades as an example for what atheists can possibly achieve if they speak up with a united voice and make their presence known.


I didn't read PZ Myers' blog entry yet but my guess is this may be what he was doing with his visit to Creation Museum. After all, he's the guy who was expelled from Expelled, if I'm not mistaken.

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I didn't read PZ Myers' blog entry yet but my guess is this may be what he was doing with his visit to Creation Museum. After all, he's the guy who was expelled from Expelled, if I'm not mistaken.

Well, he was promoting it as a scouting mission to see what the other side was saying. And yes, he was expelled from Expelled, but Richard Dawkins (who was PZ's guest) was not. Weird.

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