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Goodbye Jesus


Guest Davka

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Last night we had dinner with some really good friends, a couple we met through a community theater project associated with a local Methodist church. I "came out" as an agnostic to these folks about 6 months ago, and they were pretty OK with it - anyhow, last night they asked if we were still going to the Methodist Church and I said no. Neither are we, they replied.


Why not?


Well, like me, they had studied the Bible very carefully, really digging into the text and original languages and whatnot. "You can't do that and still believe," said Jill. "Not unless you simply refuse to learn from what you're reading. Once you know what it really says, you can't un-know it. You can't go back to the happy ignorance of Christian faith."


YES! :woohoo:


It was so good to hear someone I really enjoy and respect coming to the same conclusions I've reached. Another mind snatched from the cult. Woo-hoo!


I just had to share. :grin:

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Cool, Davka!!

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Alllllllright! Nice to hear!

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I know how exciting that can be.

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It's so nice to be able to talk about disbelief in the real world as well as online.

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They studied the Bible very carefully, really digging into the text and original languages. "You can't do that and still believe," said Jill. "Not unless you simply refuse to learn from what you're reading. Once you know what it really says, you can't un-know it. You can't go back to the happy ignorance of Christian faith."


Awesome quote. I'm keeping it. :)

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It's so nice to be able to talk about disbelief in the real world as well as online.


Gawd, yes! It's like a light at the end of the tunnel, but no creepy guys in robes. Or something.


And Paul, I agree totally about that quote. That's why I remembered it so well, it was just - perfect.

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The really cool part, is that they are "really good friends" of yours. So great you can have people to relate with. Not that my goal is ever to de-convert someone, but I do long for relationships like that.

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