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Goodbye Jesus

My Girlfriend Broke Up With Me


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That was strange. I mean,last time I saw her we ended up sitting on a bench kissing and caressing each other (something,that never happened before) and a week later here I am,receiving Skype messages like "Lets just be friends" and "I understood,that I'm not ready for any kind of a relationship". Arghh...

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I'm sorry to hear that, Raul. And I'm sorry for your frustration with her way of not communicating. Sometimes the pain of poor communications can be more frustrating than the breakup itself.

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Sounds like she found someone else. She's playing the game. You're only 23, so I wouldn't cry over it. Consider yourself free to find someone better. Focus on yourself; your career, your hobbies, and make your life as interesting as you can possibly make it, and you'll find plenty of women wanting to make an honest man out of you. ;)

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stupid girls.


Try and surround yourself with friends. It may be hard to stop thinking about her, but if she was the 'right' one then she wouldn't be pushing you away like that. You deserve someone who wants to be with you.


Remember, she's one of billions. If you keep an open heart and engage others you will find another girl. If you want to take some time off from dating, don't be ashamed to do so. When we are young we have naive concepts of love, but it is rarely as simple as the movies.


I had my heart broken once, and my physical last memory of her was also kissing, but battling with that pain was important for my self-development. It took months but I learned to better guard and control my emotions. Then next time I got dumped it hurt but I recovered much much faster, and the girl who dumped me was so impressed and jealous when I started flirting with her friends the next week that she wanted me back!


Remember, the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.

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You look a little like David Bowie (if that is indeed your picture on your profile), so you'll find someone new real quick.

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That was strange. I mean,last time I saw her we ended up sitting on a bench kissing and caressing each other (something,that never happened before) and a week later here I am,receiving Skype messages like "Lets just be friends" and "I understood,that I'm not ready for any kind of a relationship". Arghh...


Women :Hmm:



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Love stinks!

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I know you're in a lot of pain right now, but one thing to remember is, there are two in a relationship. It is likely not anything on your end at all. She may have issues with intimacy or other issues in her life that are driving her away from the relationship. Try not to assume it's anything you did. Unless she specifically mentions "this is what you did" then it's likely on her end.


Time really does make this hurt less. Give it time and try to stay busy.

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That was strange. I mean,last time I saw her we ended up sitting on a bench kissing and caressing each other (something,that never happened before) and a week later here I am,receiving Skype messages like "Lets just be friends" and "I understood,that I'm not ready for any kind of a relationship". Arghh...



This means that she liked it, a lot, and it scared her.


That's why you got the dear skype message. She didn't want to have her resolve dissolve in your presence.

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There is a word for what she did,....it is called COWARDICE.


^ well said

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It may be hard to stop thinking about her, but if she was the 'right' one then she wouldn't be pushing you away like that.

Unfortunately,it was pretty obvious,that she had little interest in me,so I can't say,that I'm really surprised,that this happened.

You deserve someone who wants to be with you.

Heh,you can only be with someone,who wants to be with you.

If you want to take some time off from dating, don't be ashamed to do so.

I think I'll do that. I just don't see any other options. I've already tried online-dating and,boy,it sucks.

You look a little like David Bowie (if that is indeed your picture on your profile), so you'll find someone new real quick.

Nope,thought it is indeed my picture,so far this wasn't of any help to me at all .

Love stinks!

When it's a one way street it sure does.

There is a word for what she did,....it is called COWARDICE.

I honestly doubt,that this is the right word.


Thanks for da hugs :)

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