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Zombie Ants Controlled By Fungus


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This makes my day. Love!

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I wonder if the ants discuss how the New World Fungal Order is controlling them.

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I wonder if the ants discuss how the New World Fungal Order is controlling them.


Fuckin reptiles man. Why do they always have to ruin it for the mammals? :HaHa:

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So who is controlling the fungus? :scratch:

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  • Super Moderator

So who is controlling the fungus? :scratch:

A group in the mold of the Bilderbergs.

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A group in the mold of the Bilderbergs.

Then, who is controlling the Bilderberg mold group? :shrug:


Oh, I know... the ant.

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There is another ant parasite (a fly I think) that does basically the same thing. The maggot eats some of the muscle and part(s) of the brain of an ant, then makes the any climb up a grass blade and clamp on, waiting to be eaten by a grazing animal where it goes through another another phase of its life. Interestingly, though, in at least one kind, if the ant has not been eaten by nightfall, it climbs down and goes back into the colony, returning to the top of a blade of grass the next day. (I don't remember which book this is in, but if someone is interested I'll try to find it.)

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The fungus ergot is in part responsible for the Salem Witch Trials.


I take it from the article that this isn't a leap in evolution for the fungus but a new finding on something that has existed for quite a while.

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