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Welcome To The New Dark Ages


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Interesting Op-Ed thought appropriate for this section:



Welcome to the new Dark Ages

Classically Liberal

by CLS


"When the Catholics of the Dark Ages faced bad crops, or disease, they

routinely blamed Jews and 'witches' for the situation. But they were

illiterate and uneducated, living in a world where the fundamentals of

science had yet to be discovered. Mr. Heath has no such excuse. His

ignorance is self-induced. It may well be that he is not a

particularly bright man, after all the dumb of the world flock to

fundamentalism pretty much the way flies flock to shit. But, neither

is there a shortage of people who use religion to close down their

critical thinking faculties. To repeat: when there is no rational

explanation for what people think or do, there is probably an

irrational one." (08/12/09)



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Good article there Nivek. Yes, the absurdity of Christians is astounding.

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This reminds me of when I heard the reason for Hurricane Katrina. It was of course because New Orleans allowed some gay pride march (I can't remember what exactly, all I know is that the Gays did it). I remember it sounded crazy then. If only I'd abandoned ship then.

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Yep, the gays were blamed for Katrina--apparently, there were too many gays in "Nawlense".

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Interesting Op-Ed thought appropriate for this section:

Voltaire wrote, “Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.” Starting with flawed assumptions was what lead to the original Dark Ages in the first place.


If heaven is considered vastly more important than life, one tends to devalue life itself.

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But we atheists hold life with no regard--so the fundies say.

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