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"is This Your Brain On God?"


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NPR has a map of where all spiritual things happen in the brain: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=110997741 Neurologically it is very interesting.


Thanks for the link Mriana! Very interesting! Neuroscience is one area that fascinates me in relationship to the study of religious belief. To me this type of new information is just one more nail in the coffin of god beliefs ... but of course religions will take it and try and argue it in favour of their position. I think much more is yet to come from this form of science in regard to this!

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Yes, I agree totally and I am totally into the neuroscience of religion. It fascinates me so much, I think I am obsessed with it, but it is a good reminder as to why one should not fall hook, line, and sinker for religion, because religion can become an addiction and part of why it becomes an addiction is how it affects the brain.


The downside to knowing this- how you use it, because it can be one big headache to use it indiscriminately to bust another's meme in order to get them to see reality. It can backfire. In other words, it would not be ethical to use on a 60+ woman to get her out of her delusion or a very close friend who is delusional. You may drive the older woman insane and drive the close friend away from you.

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Religion uses this as proof for their god.

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Religion uses this as proof for their god.


True, but IMO it doesn't prove anything except humans have the brain capacity to buy into superstition. To me, it is purely electrical, so to speak. There is a lot of Na going through our brains, causing a form of electricity and the more the neurons react to each other, the more electrifying the stimulus/stimuli is/are. Na makes up a lot of what is on the earth and within the earth and causes or is part of what causes an electrical charge within most everything living on the earth. At the end of life, it all goes out like a light bulb that is burnt out- so to speak.


So without going into more details that explains it all more fully, I could blow their idea of a God away, but they would not listen. The problem is, if I attempt to explain it in simple terms, it lacks some information that is more accurate than my analogies. Not that my analogies are poor examples, it just doesn't give the full details of it all.

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