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Goodbye Jesus

Ha Ha "xian Business"


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I toyed with doing something like this myself once. I also had an old business partner who joined the Mormon church to get clients. He lives in a massive house, drives a $100k car and has his own private plane. It works.


Doesn't that model on their home page just look so pensive and spiritual?


IBF, is it you? :D



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OMFG - for real? Wow! A strategic plan for my tax evading business from gawd. Awesome!


1) Your Trusted Peer Board. Benefit from the wisdom and insight of your trusted C12 "peer board" as they help keep you focused and accountable to the principles and core values that guide your life.

2) Structured Business Curriculum. Monthly, C12 members discuss best-practice business topics through a Bible-centered lens. This hard-hitting, real-world content is integral to the C12 lifelong learning experience.


and from the Overview page: "We hope that you will take the time to tour this website carefully and to pray and seek God’s will for you and the Christian business He has called you to lead."



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Now if only the christian businesses would act like ... Christians.

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it also helps if you invest millions of dollars into a internationally known christian university and pull a hostile takeover.

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It's kinda funny; these Christian property gospel followers are the very ones that would have been the money traders in one of their Jesus stories.

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Yeah, it would be pretty funny to send them this:



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