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The Non-Expanding Universe


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The Non-Expanding Universe

Time doesn’t exist. The universe isn’t really expanding. And if you want a theory of quantum gravity, look to the man who inspired Einstein, says Julian Barbour.



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That is a good article and I happen to agree (with my limited knowledge). If there is only one object in space, no movement could be measured. If there are two objects, movement is only relational to each other. You still can't tell if the first object is moving or the second or both. Only movement is observed. I think this is still the case regardless of how many objects there are. As was said, we would need a ruler of all rulers, which is impossible because measurement is always based on comparison to something else. It's like having a class of all classes.


Time, IMO, is also just a measurement. It doesn't exist in reality much the same way an inch doesn't. What is left when there is no time? Eternity. :D

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An interesting project. It makes perfect sense to re-write the laws of physics from a relativistic perspective -after all, since the only objects we have to measure the universe against are the component parts of the universe, it makes just as much sense to say "the galaxies are shrinking" as it does to say "the universe is expanding."


I'm just glad that other people get to do the math. I can handle the theoretical concepts just fine, just don't make me use numbers!

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