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Goodbye Jesus

We Are A Countery Founded On Christian Values!


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I am so sick of these people who keep saying we founed on the Christian religion. The other day I found myself debating one of these moron in Youtube. The Video was Called Twisted Liberal Mentality and twords the guy in makes the bogus claim that govement was trying laws we ment to Goverment out of Religion not Religion out of Goverment. So there for it was to bring God in the Subjects of Gay Marriage, Abortian and Sceince. I put a buch quotes from the founding father to so show that was not ture. He never responded but on his Christian fans did. So I found my self in debate in comment section on this video over wether or not the countery was founded on Christianty and in the middil of he should me was getting all his info for a Christian Apologtic site. Not a History site.

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Well, maybe if they mean subjagation of women and tolerance of slavery...those are certainly Christian values that our country seemed founded with.

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I don't even bother debating on Youtube...too many ignorant types posting there.

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If Christians founded this country. And Christianity was the foundation for the Constitution. And now we're here, and supposedly it all failed. What does it say about creating a Christian country on Christian values? It fails. So why continue trying, stupid Christians?

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Keep in mind 'US christian historians' often claim the Puritans family values are what the founders built this country. That's bullshit right off the bat. The Puritans were religious fanatics whose beliefs were so bizarre and ruthless that they were driven out of Europe to England who eventually drove them to North America. They did not come here to create a nation that would tolerate religious freedom, these lunatics came over here in order to practice their religion of brutality and extremism. This country was not created based on these principles. People claim the 'pilgrims' settled this country. This is more religious bullshit. Pilgrims are traveling to the promised land or on some holy voyage. Not everyone who came here were pilgrims. Pilgrims were religious people and not of one religious leaning. Pilgrimism is not a religious doctrine. The idea the United States was founded on Christian principles is a fantasy that is only believed by the religious as one of their delusional doctrines.

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And people think science education is bad in this country. One (competently taught) US history course would obliterate this silly myth.

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Besides, everyone knows Jesus and Peter were communists, not capitalists.

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Keep in mind 'US christian historians' often claim the Puritans family values are what the founders built this country. That's bullshit right off the bat. The Puritans were religious fanatics whose beliefs were so bizarre and ruthless that they were driven out of Europe to England who eventually drove them to North America. They did not come here to create a nation that would tolerate religious freedom, these lunatics came over here in order to practice their religion of brutality and extremism. This country was not created based on these principles. People claim the 'pilgrims' settled this country. This is more religious bullshit. Pilgrims are traveling to the promised land or on some holy voyage. Not everyone who came here were pilgrims. Pilgrims were religious people and not of one religious leaning. Pilgrimism is not a religious doctrine. The idea the United States was founded on Christian principles is a fantasy that is only believed by the religious as one of their delusional doctrines.


IIRC, only 20 or so of the 170 some-odd people aboard the Mayflower were Pilgrims. The rest were headed to Virginia to start a Tobacco colony.

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This is a pet peeve of mine - my mother (among many others, but I heard it from her the most) claimed this all the time - all it took was a couple courses in college that weren't skewed by the christian mindset to realize this was NOT the case.


I'm sure there's stuff out there about this, too bad it's not more publisized.

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