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Goodbye Jesus

Ex-Christian Button


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I have been thinking about the button that was suggested for Ex-Christian.net and I designed something that I thought might have symbolic meaning for many.


The Handcuffs with the Gold Cross represent the bondage of Christianity, and the crossed keys represent the ability to open the handcuffs and gain freedom from the bondage.


Too S&M?


I tried a number of backgrounds, but found white to be the best visually for this imagery. Shadowing and buttonizing is optional. I could give a different background to the cuffs to set them apart (that might not be such a bad idea).


Thoughts? Suggestions? Should I forget this project? (thumbnail below)


Ex-Christian second try.jpg

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I think its a good idea, the only suggestion I have is to make the handcuffs look more like handcuffs - dark background perhaps and the cuffs in light silver or even white?

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FWIW, how about losing the cuffs and making an open leg iron (like the letter E) followed by crossed keys and the rest. A few links of chain could trail off to the left of the iron, or just hang down.


Just another idea.

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I think its a good idea, the only suggestion I have is to make the handcuffs look more like handcuffs - dark background perhaps and the cuffs in light silver or even white?

Ok, this is a try at a different background for the cuffs.


click on attached thumbnail.


Ex-Christian third try.jpg

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Shyone, Yes, that does look better.

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I can't see the cross very well- have to look real close. I like the leg-irons idea.

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FWIW, how about losing the cuffs and making an open leg iron (like the letter E) followed by crossed keys and the rest. A few links of chain could trail off to the left of the iron, or just hang down.


Just another idea.

Sounds good to me. Leg irons are not photogenic, but how about the thing below?


click on the thumbnail.


Ex-Christian fourth try.jpg

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  • Super Moderator

I like that one!

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I like that one!

Thanks. It needs centering, and if it is to be useful I would need to know what size to make it.


Any idea who I could suggest it to before I make any more modifications?

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  • Super Moderator
Any idea who I could suggest it to before I make any more modifications?


I guess run it by Dave (webmaster).

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