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Goodbye Jesus

Our New Mailbox

Guest Davka

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I really like the fact that you made a creative effort Davka, but I think that is absolutely horrid. :HaHa:

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I really like the fact that you made a creative effort Davka, but I think that is absolutely horrid. :HaHa:


Isn't it, though?


It's my answer to the ubiquitous trout-shaped mailboxes and barn-shaped mailboxes.


You have to give me credit for refraining from writing "e-mail" on the front, though. I think that shows real restraint.

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It's my answer to the ubiquitous trout-shaped mailboxes and barn-shaped mailboxes.

You'd hate it in Florida:

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Yeah, the manatee is kind of gross. Dolphins (porpoises) and pelicans are also popular. I guess the traditional Florida flamingo has been replaced.


Still, none are as kitschy (and ugly) as Davka's mailbox.

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The mailbox is absolutely hideous! I LOVE IT! Can I commission you to make one for me? Perhaps one where the television is always tuned into FOX News. The only thing I ever get is JUNK mail, it would seem appropriate. :lmao:

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I really like the fact that you made a creative effort Davka, but I think that is absolutely horrid. :HaHa:

:lmao: Personally, I like it! Davka, is this one of your creations?



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The mailbox is absolutely hideous! I LOVE IT! Can I commission you to make one for me? Perhaps one where the television is always tuned into FOX News. The only thing I ever get is JUNK mail, it would seem appropriate. :lmao:


Actually, it's an old computer monitor. I didn't realize at first how much they look like TV sets.


I plan to add a keyboard and a mouse tomorrow.

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What a terrific idea for recycling a computer! How did you create this thing?



:HaHa: Now I just need to convince my grandmother to let me take her 80's era TV and VCR and make them into a coffee table.

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I think the "Blue screen of death" was a nice touch.


As a Canadian watching America though a political window I'm developing a disparraging view of the common American's intellegence and this thread pours gas on that flame. "You all" must still have too much money!


As of yet... we don't have beaver mailboxes - however inviting that may be to my friends down south.


(All puns and allusions fully intended!)



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I think the "Blue screen of death" was a nice touch.


Why, thank you.


As a Canadian watching America though apolitical window I'm developing a disparraging view of the commonAmerican's intellegence and this thread pours gas on that flame. "Youall" must still have too much money!


Too much money and too much time on our hands. Observe:








As of yet... we don't have beaver mailboxes - however inviting that may be to my friends down south.


Wow- with a little bit of fiberglass and spray-paint, and maybe a cheapHalloween beard, I could get myself arrested and divorced with a singleproject!


Go ahead, Mr. Male-man, thrust that mail vigorously into the box!

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I think the "Blue screen of death" was a nice touch.


Why, thank you.


As a Canadian watching America though apolitical window I'm developing a disparraging view of the commonAmerican's intellegence and this thread pours gas on that flame. "Youall" must still have too much money!


Too much money and too much time on our hands. Observe:




The Keyboard makes it! I knew there was something missing, now it is complete.

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Innovative, playful, entertaining, creative, and symbolically interesting.



For these reasons I'm certain that it must violate some kind of postal law in your state.



My attorneys will be in touch.

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It's art, hey you may be able to sell it if you're the first one to do it - isn't that what qualifies as art these days?

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Go ahead, Mr. Male-man, thrust that mail vigorously into the box!



I thought I was the only one who knows what that word can refer to in the wrong hands...

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Oh, and "mailbox" is a contradiction.

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An idea.


You need a mouse!

Attache the mouse to the side of the monitor with the cable leading to the red flag (maybe with a couple of eyelets).

Stand the flag up by pulling the mouse down?

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I hear ya, heretic. Thing is, I'm fresh out of spare mice right now. I'm sure I'll run across one soon though - I'm always ending up with old dead systems.


If I add a mouse I'll post the pic here.


I'm also considering impaling a mini-tower on the pole, but it's easier said than done.

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This is too funny. For the longest time, my mum had a cow mail box (or is male box?), but now she has a chicken on--a chicken complete with chicken shit all over it.

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