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Goodbye Jesus

A Bunch Of Rants I've Been Saving Up


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It's been a while since I posted a rant, so I have a few saved up. Feel free to pick and choose.


Roughly a month ago, my sister-in-law flew back from BC to Ontario to attend the funeral of her former pastor. It turns out that his wife had left him, and he committed suicide. You would think that this would prove that Christianity doesn't have all the answers; but even after that event, she and my brother still insist that Christianity is the only path to real happiness.


My brother-in-law insists on having a relationship with my son, but he doesn't want to have a relationship with either me nor my wife (his sister). It's difficult for my in-laws to comprehend the concept that if you're an adult who wants to have a relationship with a 10 year old child, you need to establish and maintain a relationship with that child's parents.


I have a Microsoft rant; this one about Windows Media Player 11. I make playlists for my wife's fitness classes. I had been using Windows Media Player on her computer running Windows XP to create them; one of the important things it told me was the overall length in time of the playlist. I needed this to make sure her music was the right length for the class she's teaching; if it was too short or too long, I could change the music selection. For some reason, Microsoft got rid of this in Windows Media Player 11. I've since converted back to Winamp.


Finally, people who expect me to change others for the better good of the world. Encourage our neighbours to buy domestic, pollute less, produce less garbage, recycle more...these people smoke, drink, and eat junk food. They don't even care about their own health; how the heck can we expect them to care about the health of the economy or the environment? They just simply do not care, and there's nothing I can do about that.


Edit: One I almost forgot. On cooler days this summer, we enjoy driving with the windows down. Last week, my son got an ear infection. Mother-in-law insists it's because we drive with the windows down. Hard to believe medieval thinking continues to this day.


Feels good to get that off my chest.

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I like a few of them :D. Like trying to circumnavigate you to have a relationship with your kids. Hasn't happened to me, but I could see it happening. Think my dad is about to write me off.


And Windows sucks, and windows media player sucks and I don't know why its so difficult for them to make a freaking play list that is easy to use and save. Winamp is a bit better though I don't like the way it looks - a silly thing I am aware.


My car could not have the windows up for a long time (electric piece of crap windows lol) so we always had them down, rain, sun, fog w/e. And my 2 year old never got an ear infection. I didn't even get one and I get them frequently. Pretty sure ear infections start out as sinus infections. Maybe she thought the windows down could cause infection because the pressure of having the windows down and the wind in your ears can hurt sometimes?? Dunno about that one.


Sounds like you have a few issues with family members judging your parenting. Sounds terribly annoying. I am lucky to have amazing in-laws but have to dodge the judgments from my own family. Guess there's some in every family...

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Well, it's not a Windows vent persay, but give me two weeks into this fall semester and I'm sure I'll be ready to toss the entire PC out the window when Maya starts acting up (as is bound to happen).

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I must admit, I've been pleased with Windows Vista and XP. I like how stuff just works after clicking on install. This particular gripe with Media Player 11 is due to the fact that they removed a feature when they upgraded it. That's just stupid; why would you take something out and then call it an upgrade? It's especially aggravating when it's something so useful to professionals.


I'll switch to Linux as soon as it's as easy to use. I'll switch to Mac as soon as Steve Jobs is gone. ;)

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The only thing keeping me from going to Mac is a program that I use is not configured to be compatible with Mac. Window infuriates me too much.

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On the parent-child thing. My father and my sister both will not acknowledge my existence. No way in hell are either of them going to see my kids. Sorry, not happening. Of course, I'm just bitch enough to make that perfectly clear. I could really care less what family members think of me. Let them think I deserve bitch of the year award. If I'm not good enough for you then you're not good enough for my kids.

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On the parent-child thing. My father and my sister both will not acknowledge my existence. No way in hell are either of them going to see my kids. Sorry, not happening. Of course, I'm just bitch enough to make that perfectly clear. I could really care less what family members think of me. Let them think I deserve bitch of the year award. If I'm not good enough for you then you're not good enough for my kids.


Excellent. I need to figure out how to paraphrase that so it fits with my brother in law and sister in law.


My brother in law and his wife won't acknowledge my existence. No way in hell are either of them going to see my kid. Sorry, not happening. Of course, I'm just asshole enough to make that perfectly clear. I could really care less what in-law family members think of me. Let them think I deserve asshole of the year award. If I'm not good enough for you then you're not good enough for my kid.


That's pretty close. ;)

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Christianity is not a path to happiness. Stark terror is more likely. You have to be pretty damn desperate to keep hope in an imaginary friend and a magic happy land when you die. Pisses me off to think how long I believed in that absurd bullshit.

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